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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

(6.9.1) Saraswati Mantra विद्या की प्राप्ति हेतु सरस्वती मंत्र

 शिक्षा, बुद्धि, धारणा शक्ति तथा विद्या की प्राप्ति हेतु सरस्वती मंत्र Saaswati Mantra 

देवी सरस्वती को हिन्दू धर्म की प्रमुख देवी माना जाता है | वे विद्या, बुद्धि, साहित्य, संगीत और कला की देवी हैं | इनकी आराधना – उपासना से बुद्धि तीव्र होती है, मानसिक जड़ता दूर होती है और धारणा शक्ति बढ़ती है |

देवी सरस्वती का बीज मंत्र ऐं है | इस बीज मंत्र से युक्त प्रभावशाली मंत्र है – ऐं श्री सरस्वत्यै नमः देवी सरस्वती के इस मंत्र का निष्ठा तथा विश्वास के साथ जप करने से जपकर्ता की बुद्धि तीव्र होती है,  विवेकशक्ति और तार्किक योग्यता का विकास होता है, वाणी प्रभावशाली हो जाती है , धारणाशक्ति बढ़ती है और परीक्षा में सफलता मिलती है | इस मंत्र के जप करने की विधि इस प्रकार है –

दैनिक कार्य से निवृत होकर  पूर्व  या उत्तर दिशा की तरफ मुंह करके ऊन के आसन पर बैठ जायें .

अपने सामने देवी सरस्वती का चित्र रखें। मन ही मन सरस्वती का ध्यान करें कि देवी जिसने श्वेत वस्त्र धारण कर रखें हैं जिसके हाथ में वीणा और पुस्तक हैं . जो  श्रेष्ठ कमल के फूल का आसन ग्रहण करती है । ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश आदि देव जिनकी स्तुति करतें हैं ऐसी देवी सरस्वती मेरी बुद्धि को निर्मल बनायें व तीक्ष्ण करें . मेरी  मानसिक जड़ता को दूर करें और मेरी धारणा शक्ति को बढायें .

इस प्रकार ध्यान करने के बाद देवी सरस्वती के मंत्र - ऐं श्री सरस्वत्यै नमः  का पांच, सात या ग्यारह माला का जप करें जितना ज्यादा जप होगा उतना ही फलदायक हैं |

जप के बाद आँखें बंद करके पांच मिनट तक मन ही मन भावना करें कि देवी सरस्वती आपकी  प्रार्थना को स्वीकार कर रही हैं, आपके ऊपर देवी की कृपा की वर्षा हो रही हैं। आपकी  बुद्धि निर्मल और तीक्ष्ण हो रही है |




Monday, April 24, 2017

(8.3.13) Shashti Devi Stotra for getting a good son

Benefits of reciting Shashti devi stotra /  Remedy to have a good son

Who is Shashti Devi -
Goddess Shashti Devi is the Manas Putri of Lord Brahma and is the consort of Skand. She is also known as Devsena. It is believed that Shashti Devi always remains present near the babies and protects them from evil things.
Shashti Devi Stotra / What is Shashti Devi Stotra -
Shasti Devi Stotra is a hymn and prayer through which the devotees request to Shashti Devi to bless them with children and to protect their children if they already have any.
Benefits of Shashti Devi Stotra / Importance of Shashti Devi Stotra -
As shashti Devi is very much fond of children, she loves, saves and protects them from all the evil things. She blesses the devotees to have good children.
If a childless person recites or listens to this Shashtidevi Stotra at least seven times daily for one year, is sure to get a healthy, good and wise son.
If a barren woman recites or listens to this Stotra, she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a good, brave, healthy and renowned son.
If a Kakbandhya woman ( the woman who gives birth only one child and after that she does not get pregnant) listens or recites this Stotra for one year, she , by the grace of Shashtidevi, gets pregnant and gives birth to a child.
If the parents listen or recite this stotra daily, their children do not suffer from any serious disease and remain healthy by the grace of Shashti Devi.
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(8.2.7) Krishna Mantra to get a good son 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

(6.2.37) When does solar eclipse occur

What is a solar eclipse? When does Solar eclipse happen?

A solar eclipse  
Solar eclipse is related to sun and it occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth and in such a position the moon's shadow falls on the sun and as a result it (the sun) is not (partially or totally) visible from the earth. This position of these planets is called solar eclipse or Surya Grahan. The solar eclipse takes place on Amavasya Tithi.
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(6.2.35) Important things about the Lunar eclipse 
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(6.3.36) When does a lunar eclipse occur 
( What is a solar eclipse) 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

(6.2.36) When does Lunar eclipse occur

What is a lunar eclipse ? When does a lunar eclipse happen ?चंद्र ग्रहण कब होता है 

When does Lunar Eclipse occur :- 
Lunar Eclipse is related to the Moon and it occurs when the earth passes between the Moon and the Sun and in such a position the earth's shadow falls on the moon which blocks the light of the sun from reaching the moon. The lunar eclipse takes place on Poornima tithi
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(6) Articles on astrology
(Important articles related to astrology, natal astrology etc.)
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(When is solar eclipse?)
(6.2.10) Lunar eclipse dates 
(When is lunar eclipse?)
(6.2.35) Important things about the Lunar eclipse 
(Know some important things about lunar eclipse)

Friday, January 6, 2017

(6.2.35) Important things about Lunar Eclipse

What are the important things about Lunar eclipse ?

Important things about Lunar eclipse :-
If Lunar Eclipse is not visible , it has no importance to the Hindus and it is not considered   for any religious activities . And the rituals related to Lunar Eclipse like Sutak, bathing ,donations etc. are not observed .
During the Sutak and Eclipse period , the pieces of Kusha (a kind of grass which is considered holy ) should be put in the pots of water, flour and other eatables to keep their purity intact . When the eclipse period is over , the utensils should be washed and cleaned, the clothes should be washed ,bath should be taken and Janev ( the holy threads) should be changed.
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(6) Articles on astrology
(Important articles related to astrology, natal astrology etc.)
(6.2.9) Solar eclipse dates 
(When is solar eclipse?)
(6.2.10) Lunar eclipse dates 
(When is lunar eclipse?)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

(10.2.14) Gogamedi Mela /Gogamedi Fair 2017

When is Gogamedi Fair in 2017/ Gogamedi Mela 2017

Gogamedi Mela 
When is Gogamedi fair held - 
Goga Medi fair is held on Bhadrapad Krishna Navami every year. In the year 2017 Goga Medi fair is on Wednesday, 16.08.2017.
Where is Gogamedi fair held ? 
Gogamedi fair is held at Gogamedi village (Hanumangarg, Rajasthan)
Fair at Gogamedi
A fair is held in the honour of Gogaji at the village of Gogamedi in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. This fair is held on Bhadrapad Krishna Navami every year. This fair is dedicated to folk god Gogaji. People of all castes and religion from Haryana,Punjab. Madhya Pradesh, Gujraat and Uttar Pradesh come to visit this place to worship and pay their honor to Gogaji,the god of snakes.
Goga ji was born in Chouhan Rajput dynasty. His father was Sanwar and his mother was Bachhal. He was born at Dadreva village in Churu district in Rajasthan. He was the pupil of Guru Gorakhnath. His Samadhi is at Gogamedi in Hanumangarh distrist in Rajasthan.
Gogaji, the god of snakes, is also known as Gogaji Chouhan, Gugga, Johar Peer etc. In the temple of Gogaji at Gogamedi, there are Hindu Pujari as well as Muslim Pujari. The Muslim Pujari worships
Gogaji for eleventh and the Hindu Pujari worships for one month in a year. This practice is an example of communal harmony.
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Friday, December 9, 2016

(10.4.13) Gita Jayanti / Geeta Jayanti

Geeta Jayanti celebration / Gita Jayanti / Why is Gita Jayanti celebrated? गीता जयंती 

When is Geeta Jayanti in 2016
In the year 2016 Gita jayanti is on Saturday, 10.12.2012.
When is Gitajayati celebrated ?
Every year Gita jayanti is celebrated on Margsheersh Shukla Ekadashi accrding to the Hindu calendar.
Why is Gita Jayanti celebrated -
Gita jayanti is celebrated to commemorate the day on which the sermons were delivered by Lord Krishna to Arjun at the battlefield of Kurukshtra on the first day of the eighteen day battle between Pandavas and Kauravas. These sermons are known and honoured as the Srimad Bhagvadgita.
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(10.5.1) List of Hindu festivals, Vrat and Jayantis 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

(14.10.3) Krishna Mantra to remove calamitous

Benefits of chanting Krishna Mantra / How to remove misfortune ? अनिष्ट नाश के लिए कृष्ण के कौनसे मंत्र का जप करें ?

The following Mantra is related to Lord Krishna -
Om namo bhagavate tasmai krishnaayaakunthmedhse.
Sarv vyaadhi vinaashaay prabho maamritam kridhi.
ॐ नमो भगवते तस्मै कृष्णायाकुण्ठमेधसे।
सर्व व्याधि विनाशाय प्रभो माममृतं कृधि।
When to chant this Krishna Mantra ?
When you get up in the morning, chant this mantra three times without speaking to anyone. Then after having a bath sit on an Asan made of wool or Kusha grass, face east or north and chant the mantra 540 times or 756 times or 1188 times daily.
How many times should this mantra be chanted in all ?
For full benefit chant this mantra 56100 times following the practical hints for chanting..
What are the benefits of chanting this Mantra ? 
The chanting of this mantra -
- makes the person happy.
- removes the calamities.
- removes misfortune and evils.
- makes the person free from anxieties.
- fills the life with positive thoughts.
- removes the negativity.
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(7.3.4) What are the Practical hints for Mantra Jap 
(14) Other important Mantras for various purposes 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

(7.1.12) Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niraamayaa

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah - A Universal prayer सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे संतु निरामयाः - प्रार्थना 

In Hinduism there are a lot of prayers. "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah" is also one of them. Its Sanskrit version and meaning in Hindi and English is given below  -
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Bhavantu Niraamayaa.
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu Maa Kashchid Dukh bhaaggbhavet.
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे संतु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग्भवेत।
Meaning in English - 
May all be happy !
May all be free from diseases !
May all see (what is) good (in everything) !
May none have any kind of suffering !
हिंदी अर्थ -
"सब सुखी हो , सब निरोगी हो।
सभी (हर चीज या घटना में) मंगलमय (चीजें)  देखें , किसी को भी कोई कष्ट न हो। " 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

(14.5.4) Shri Sukt / Benefits of Shree Sukt

Shri Sukt / What is Shree Sukt/ Benefits of Shree Sukt / Importance of Shri Sukt / श्री सूक्त /श्री सूक्त के लाभ 

What is Shree Sukt -
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, good fortune and auspiciousness. To get the blessings of goddess Lakshmi, people worship her and pray to her by using different Stotra and Mantra. Shree Sukt is also one of those Stotras.
Benefits of reciting or chanting Shri Sukt -
If the person recites Shri Sukt with faith and devotion -
> the goddess Lakshmi grants him all the things that make the life better.
> she grants much more wealth so that he can fulfill all his requirements.
> she grants him sons, grand sons, wealth, grains and good vehicles.
> she grants him long life.
> the person gets the peace of mind by the grace of goddess Lakshi.
> the goddess fulfills his worldly desires.
> she blesses the person with good luck and prosperity.
> she protects the devotee from ill health and adversity of any kind in his endeavors.
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(14) Mantra and Stotra related to different gods and goddesses 

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