What is Vedic Astrology--
Indian astrology is known as Vedic
astrology. It is the integral part of Vedic culture. Besides four Vedas there
are six vedangs also which literally mean the limbs or organs of Vedas. They
are six in number. Their names are 1. Shiksha 2.Kalpa
3.Vyakarna 4.Nirukta 5.Chandas 6. Jyotish (astronomy and astsrology).
These six
limbs were taught and studied as the integral part of the ancient vedic education system. These Subjects helped
the learners in their all round development of these six subjects. Jyotish
deals with the study of heavenly bodies and study of the destiny of a person.
It can be said that the calculations
of the Vedic astrologers are reliable. Even in those days when people had no modern instruments, the sages of ancient India
calculated the accurate motion and position of the planets. They were able to
tell the exact time and date of solar and Lunar eclipses. Thus Indian astrology is scientific in nature
and uses mathematical calculations to arrive at the accurate predictions.