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Saturday, December 15, 2012


Gita / Geeta / Bhagwad Gita / Shree Madbhagvatgita 

The Bhagwad Geeta is popularly known as Geeta/Gita. Is is a holy book of the Hindus. It is the part of the ancient Sanskrit Epic the Mahabharat. Geeta contains the words which directly came from the lips of Lord Krishna. The content of the Geeta is a conversation between Krishna and Arjun which took place in the battle field of Kurukshetra just before the starting of the war between the Kouravas and the Pandavas. It has 700 Verses in which Lord Krishna answers all the doubts of Arjun. He explains to him the true path of action , knowledge and devotion.Here under are given some of the teachings of Gita -

1. Doubt creates negative feelings. The person who has doubt cannot be happy. 
2. Soul is immortal. The Soul neither kills nor is killed.
Just as a man gives up old garments and wears new ones , in the same way the embodied soul gives up old and worn out body and accepts the new body. 
If a person thinks that soul takes birth and then dies , even then he must not grieve. For the one who has taken birth , death is certain and for one who is dead , birth is certain. Therefore we must not grieve for inevitable situations. 
3. Work makes the world going on , without doing work we can't do. It is our duty to do our prescribed  work but at the same time we must not expect for its result because the result of any action is not under our control. At the same time there should not be any attachment in not doing our prescribed work or activities.
4. A person whose mind remains undisturbed amid sorrows , who doesn't desire for happiness , who is free from attachment , fear and anger and he who is unattached to everything and meeting with good and evil , neither rejoices nor curses , his mind is stable and he is established in perfect knowledge. 
5. The person who sees inaction  in action , and action in inaction (one who is unattached to action or inaction) is wise and spiritually intelligent among mankind. 
6. The person who is satisfied with whatever comes by its own accord , who is free from jealousy and tolerant of dualities and who is balanced in success and failure , is not bound by his actions , such type of person is a perfect performer of all actions.
7. The person who neither disdains ( hates) nor desires the fruits of actions is always considered as a renouncer. Certainly that person being free from all dualities is easily liberated from the bondage of this world.
8. The person who neither rejoices nor hates , nor grieves , nor desires and who is indifferent to both what is auspicious and what is inauspicious. And his devotional services is very dear to God.
9. A person who is alike to a friend and enemy , who is equal to honour and dishonour , who remains balanced in heat and cold , happiness and pain and is free from attachment , the person who takes praise and reproach alike , who is contemplative before speaking , satisfied with whatever comes on its own accord , not attached to domestic place and life , fixed in determination and  engaged in devotional service that person is very dear to God.
10. The enlightened person is he who is equal in all situations. If adversity comes to him , he is not alarmed or distressed and if prosperity comes to him , he is not elated. He receives the pleasant and unpleasant  in the same spirit. He is free from the spirit of doership of any action. He remains balanced in all situations. Such a person has no desire of his own so nothing can disturb him. 
11. Wherever there is Lord Krishna ( the symbol of pure wisdom ) together with Arjun ( the symbol of pure actions ) then there is certainly prosperity , goodness , victory , power and virtue. 
12. Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practices and a predominant rise of irreligion , at that time God incarnates to reestablish the religion on earth.

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