Prohibited Period for marriage Muhurat / Other Muhurats
Marriage is one of the sixteen Sanskars of the Hindus. According to the books on Muhurat the marriage should not be performed during the prohibited or inauspicious period.( Note - The following is the short description of the prohibited period. If you want to know the detail description of this period , you are to click the name of the period. )
(5.3.13) Meen Sankranti - Meen Mal Maas period.
(5.3.15) Combustion of Guru ( Jupiter ).
(5.3.27) Combustion of Shukra ( Venus )
(4) Hari Shayan period.
(13.1.15)Shraadh Paksh.
(5.3.13) Dhanu Sankranti ( Dhanu Mal Maas )
(5.3.12) Holashtak
(5.3.16) Thirteen days Paksh ( Pakhawara )
(5.3.26) Singhast Guru (Guru in the singh Raashi)
(6.2.1 ) Adhik Maas