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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

(10.3.19) Vat Savitri Vrat 2017

Vat Savitri Vrat for well being and longevity of husband

When is Vat Savitri Vrat in 2017
In the year 2017 the Vat Savitri Vrat is on Thursday, 25.05.2017 (Amavasya Paksh)
and on Friday, 09.06.2017 (Purnima Paksh)
( Note- see below why two Tithis have been given for this fast)
Important things about Vat Savitri Vrat -
(1) There are two views about the Tithi for observing Vat Savitri Vrat. According to Skand and Bhavishyottar, this fast is observed on Jeshtha Shukla Purnima and according to Nirjanmrit etc. this Vrat is observed on Vaisakh krishna Amavasya. Accordingly in some parts of India it is observed on Purnima and in some other parts it is observed on Amavasya.
(2) Vat Savitri  Vrat is dedicated to Savitri who got her dead husband back.
(3) The married women observe this fast for the longevity of their husbands. The unmarried girls observe this fast to get a good husband.
(4) Alhtough this Vrat begins on Trayodashi and ends on on Amavasya or Purnima (as the case may be) yet usually this Vrat is obesrved either on Amavasya or on Purnima.
Why is Vat Savitri Vrat observed:-
This vrat is observed by the married women for the well being, longevity and good health of their husbands, this Vrat is associated with Savitri. It is observed in the honour of Savitri who showed her determination to bring back her husband Satyavan from Yam, the god of death .
How is Vat Savitri vrat observed :-
This fast begins from Trayodashi and ends on Purnima or Amavashya as the case may be .But if it is not possible to start this Vrat on Trayodashi, one can keep this Vrat only on Purnima or on Amavasya.In any of the above cases on Purnma or on Amavasya, the  women get up early in the morning,take a bath and in the noon or before noon they make a group and go to Vat Vriksh (Banyan tree ).There they do  the Puja of the Vat Vriksh. After Puja and prayer they tie a red or yellow thread around the banyan tree.Then they listen to the story of Satyavan and Savitri and go seven times  around the tree singing folk songs. After this Puja ritual,they take the blessings of their elders and other married women by bowing before them and touching their feet.
The legend (story) of Vat Savitri Vrat :-
The princess Savitri was the daughter of Ashvapati,the king of Madra Desh.She wanted to marry Satyavan . Before her marriage Rishi Narad had told her that Satyavan would die in a year and thus he would not live long.But Savitri was determined  to marry him. So her father married off  Savitri. Dhymdsen was the name of Savitri's father in law .His kigdom was snatched by some other king so he had to live in the forest with his family. Savitri also began to live with them.
Three days before  the fixed day of Satyavan's death,Savitri started her fast.On the third day Satyavan and Savitri began cutting wood as usual.When Satyavan was tired,he slept.While he was sleeping, a snake bit him.Yam, the god of death came to take away his soul. Savitri followed Yam.Then Yam granted her three boons.The last boon was that she would be the mother of one hundred sons.On granting this boon Savitri said to Yam , "As you have granted me the boon of having one hundred sons,please give me my husband back.Without her how will I be able to become the mother of one hundred sons."
At thisYam had to give back Satyavan's soul.There after Satyavan and Savitri lived happily. 

(10.3.20) Vaisakh Maas/ Vaisakh Mahina/ Vaisakh Snan 2017

Holy or Sacred month of Vaisakh / Baisakh Snan 2017

When is Vaisakh Snan 
In the year year 2017 Vaisakh Snan begins on Tuesday 11 April, 2017 and ends on Wednesday, 10 May, 2017
In the  Hindu calender  there are twelve months. Among  these 12 months four months are considered sacred and auspicious. These four months are Vaisakh, Shraavan, Kartik and Magh. 
Vaisakh month is very dear to Lord Vishnu. Any Jap, Tap,and Daan ,which are done during the month of Vaisakh ,are considered more fruitful . Jal dan (Water donation) is considered to be the best Daan(Donation) during this month. Water pots or water pitchers are given in charity. Some people run water huts during this month.
Importace of Vaisakh Snan / Baisakh Snaan:-
Vaisakh Snan or bathing is an important ritual in the month of Vaisakh. The Vaisakh Snan (bathing) begins from Chaitra Shukla Purnima and continues till Baisakh Shukla Purnima.
The person should get up early in the morning and take a bath in the Brahma Muhurat. Taking bath in this month removes the sins of the person and brings  him good luck. Besides taking  a bath, the person should chant the Mantra 'Aum Namo Bhagawate Vaasudevaay' at least 1080 times (ten Malas). If possible he should observe fast for these thirty one days by eating food once a day. These all rituals remove the sins, illness and ill effects of the planets.
Related Posts you will like to read ;- 
(1) Shraavan Maas 
(2) Kartik Maas 
(3) Magh Maas

Friday, November 15, 2013

(10.1.18) Holi , the festival of colours 2017

Holi, the festival of colours - 2017
When is Holi celebrated - 
Holi is celebrated on Falgun Shukla Purnima.
In the year 2017 Holi is on Sunday, 12.3.2017.
Like Diwali, Holi is also a great and important festival of the Hindus. It is a festival of noisy mirth, rough practical jokes and loud singing and dancing. It brings every young and old person out of boredom and seriousness of the routine life.
The story related to Holi:-    
The story behind its celebration is that of Prahlad who was a devotee of Shri Vishnu. He would chant Vishnu's name all the time and during all his activities. Prahlad's father, king Hiranyakashipu did not like it. He wanted his son to worship no one, but him (his father). So he tried to deviate Prahlad from his devotion to God, but he continued to worship Lord Vishnu with full devotion. So Hiranyakashipu tried to kill Bhakt Prahlad in many ways but he was saved every time. Hiranyakashipu's sister, whose name was Holika, had a boon that she would not be burnt in the fire. So Hiranyakashipu asked her to sit with Prahlad into the fire. She entered the fire with is nephew Prahlad. But blessed by Lord Vishnu the child Praahlad remained unharmed and Holika got burnt and died. To celebrate Prahlad's victory over Hiranyakashipu, this festival is celebrated. 
Celebrations :- 
In the night of Purnima, big heaps of fuel are placed  in the streets or road sides  (and outside the village in the rural area) for burning up the Holi. This pile consists of logs of wood and cow dung cakes. At the appointed hour a Brahmin chants mantras and sets fire to the pile. Soon the pile begins to burn brightly and the whole street is lit up. People parch green ears of barley, wheat or gram in the flames of Holi. These perched ears are distributed among the friends and the relatives. Next day people throw colored water on one another. They apply Abir and Gulal on the faces of their friends and relatives. People go about in groups with coloured water in Pichkaaris or in buckets or with 'abir' and 'gulal' in a small bag. They make a lot of noise. They exchange jokes. This goes on till mid day. Then the people wash their coloured faces and hands and take a bath. After bathing they put on clean and new clothes and go to the houses of their friends and relatives and embrace them as a token of their affectionate relations.  
Thus Holi is the festival of love, affections and brotherhood. The feelings of untouchability and high or low are forsaken.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

(10.1.17) Samwatsar 2074 / Nav Samvatsar 2074

Vikram Samwat 2074 /Nav Samvatsar / Hindu Nav Varsh, 2074 (or) Sanvatsar / Nav sanvatsar ,2074 / Hindu new year 2074

This year Samwat 2074 begins on Chaitra Krishna Amavasya (Usually Nav Samvatsar begins on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada but in Samvat 2074 Pratipadada is a kshaya tithi so this year it begins on Amavasya), Tuesday, 28 March, 2017.
Important things about Samwatsar ;- 
(1) Lord Brahma began his creation on Chaitra Shukla Pratipad. So this day is considered as the day of creation and enthusiasm.
(2) Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Matsya on this day.
(3) This day is also known as the beginning of Vikram Samwat.
(4) Basant Navratra begins on this day.
(5) In Maharastra this day is celebrated as the festival of Gudi Padawa
(6) In Andhra Pradesh and Karnatak this day is celebrated as Ugadi festival.
(7) Chaitra shukla Pratipada is also known as the Swayam siddh Muhurat (Self Proven Muhurat). So any new and auspicious work can be started  or new things can be purchased on this day.
(8) Every Samwatsar has its own name. ( Click here to know the names of 60 Samwatsars)
(9) Every Samwatsar has its own name, king, minister and other office bearers and their effects.(click  for  Vikarm Samwat Council and Phal Vichar  )
Related  Posts  :- 
(10.1.17) Nav Samvatsar  / Himdu Nav Varsh /Hindu new year
(The beginning of the Hindu new year)
(Names of the Hindu years)
(The king, Mantri, and other portfolio and their  effect ) 
(5.2.6) Basant Navratra
(10.1.13) Gudi Padava
(6.2.18) Names of 60 Samwatsars
(3) New year greetings / Wishes / SMS

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

(10.3.21) Bhishm Panchak / Bhishma Panchak Vrat 2016

When is Bhishm Panchak Vrat observed 
In the year 2016 Bhisham Panchak Vrat is from Thursday 10.11.2016 to Monday 14.11.2016.
The last five days of Kartik month (in the Hindu calendar) are known as Bhishm Panchak . So Bhishm Panchak Vrat begins on Kartik Shukla Ekadashi and ends on Kartik Shukla Purnima . 
The legend related to Bhishm Panchak :- 
When Mahabharat war was over , Lord Krishna took five Pandav brothers to Bhism Pitamah who was lying on the Vaan Shaiya (the bed of arrows) , and requested him to give updesh to Pandava brothers. At this Bhishma gave Pandavas the knowledge related to religion and salvation etc. This procedure of imparting the knowledge started on Kartik Shukla Ekadashi and ended on Kartik Shukla Purnima . These five days are known as Bhishm Panchak and the Vrat observed on these five days is known as Bhishm Panchak Vrat. 
Importance of Bhishm Panchak Vrat :- 
This Vrat is considered to be very fruitful and salvation giving. 
The Mantra to be chanted during Bhishm Panchak :- 
During these five days , the Vrati (the person who observes this Vrat ) should chant the following Mantra as many times as he/she can (108 times or 1080 times or more) . The Mantra is :- 
"Om Namo Bhagawate Vaasudevaaya"
The recitation of this Mantra is very fruitful. It fulfills the desires of the person and removes his sins.

(10.1.16 ) Baisakhi / Vaisakhi 2017

 Vaisakhi / Baisakhi ,the festival 2017

When is Vaisakhi celebrated 
Baisakhi is a seasonal festival which is chiefly celebrated in Punjab and Haryana. Every year this festival is celebrated on 13 April or on 14 April and according to Nanak Shahi calender.
How is Baisakhi celebrated.
Vaisakh is the month when the harvest of wheat, gram and barley stands in full growth. So the farmer community is filled with feelings of prosperity and happiness. They thank god of good crops and pray for the prosperity in the year to come. On this day people get up early and have a bath in the holy rivers and wear traditional new clothes. At different places fairs are held by the sides of the river at the places which are religiously famous. On the day of Baisakhi a large number of people gather at the Mela  grounds. The fairs have all sorts of attractions. The Punjabis perform 'Bhangara' dance to express their joy and zeal. People enjoy the dances standing in circles.When the evening draws near, the people retire to their homes full of cheer and joy.
Customs and rituals
Baisakhi is a harvest festival so it is celebrated in the open fields. Men and women wear customary dresses and take part in popular Bhangara dance.
But this festival has religious importance also. So the followers of the Sikh religion wake up early in the morning and go to the Gurudwaras to attend special meetings. They give preference to visit Golden Temple, which is the revered place for the Sikhs. But those who are not able to go to Golden temple, go the neighbouring Gurudwaras.
At the Grudwaras, the Gurugranth sahib, which is the holy book of the Sikhs, is taken out and it is given a symbolic bath with milk and water. Then Guru Granth Sahib is placed on the throne. This book is then read out to the followers.
 In the afternoon Gurugranth Sahib is taken out in a procession. The men, women and children take part in this procession with enthusiasm. This procession moves through the major parts of the city. During this procession people dance at the beatings of Bhangra drums. Devotees sing religious songs. Thus the festival comes to an end.
Related Posts you will like to read :- 
(10.4.1) Guru Nanak Jayanti

(13.2.7) Christmas greetings, good wishes and SMS

Christmas Greetings

Festivals bring a positive change in the daily routine and dull life of ours. They bring joy, happiness and new hope to all. They are of great rejoicing. They fill in us the spirit of joy and gaiety. Happiness of the festivals can be doubled if it is shared with others. Christmas is also one of the festivals when we can share our happiness and moments of rejoicings with others.The best way of sharing our happiness with others is to send them our good wishes, greetings and messages on these festivals.The wishes and greetings refresh the memories of the sender as well as the receiver. They fill both the sender and receiver with the feelings of closeness as the receiver feels that the sender still remembers and cares for him/her. Here under are some of the greetings, good wishes and messages:-
1. All the nine planets play an important role in the life of an individual. On this Christmas festival, I hope and wish that they will remain favourable to you all through the year to come.
2. While everything of future remains enveloped in the cloudy veil of mystery,  I wish you the happiest and prosperous new year on this propitious day of Christmas.
3. May this holy festival fulfill all your expectations and dreams. 
4. I pray to God to give you health, wealth and contentment all through the year. 
5. In this age of restlessness may you have solace and peace of mind by the grace of God.
6. May God bless your family with joy and familial harmony on the holy occasion of Christmas. 
7. May this Christmas bring you and your family, joy, peace and prosperity. 
8. May the burning candles on this Christmas show you the right path to the destination you want to reach. 
9. May all the heavenly joys be showered upon you.
10. Best wishes for you on this day of joy and pleasure. 
11. Accept my hearty wishes on the auspicious occasion of Christmas. 
12. It is Christmas, the festival of joy. let us smile and be glad. 
13. Let us share our joys with others on this merry Christmas. 
14. Wish you a lot of affection and joy. 
15. May the blessings of lord remain with you all through your life.
16. May this Christmas fill you with the spirit of joy and gaiety. 
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Related Posts :- (1) Christmas

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

(10.1.15) Chetichand 2017

Jhulelal Jayanti 2017/ Chetichand 2017

( The Sindhi new year festival )

When is Chetichand- 
In the year 2017, the festival of chetichand is  on Wednesday, 29.03.2017
Important things about Chetichand--
(1) Every year the festival of Cheti Chand is celebrated on Chaitra shukla pratipada or on Chaitra shukla dwitiya. It depends on the visibility of moon.
(2) It is mainly the festival of the Sindhi Community(The Hindus who lived in sindh province of Pakistan)Now they live in India and other parts of the world.
(3) The Sindhis celebrate this festival in the memory and honour of the birth of Jhule lal , the patron saint of their community.
(4) Chetichand is considered as the new year's day by the sindhis.
(5) This day is considered to be very auspicious and it is celebrated with pomp and gaiety.
(6) The businessmen of Sindhi community observe this day as the beginning of the new financial year.
(7) A big procession is taken out by the devotees.
How do people wish on Chetichand
When a person wants to wish a happy new year to a sindhi, he says "Chetichand jyon lakh lakh wadayun Athav " (which means lakhs of wishes for happy cheti chand) In the reply to this wish the sindhi says, "Tohan khe bhi chanti chand jyon lakh lakh wadayan Athav" (which means I wish you the same.)
Legend related to Chetichand :-
During the second half of the tenth century Makrab Khan killed Sha Sadakat Khan and acquired the kingdom and crowned  himself as Mirik shah. He ordered the Sindhi Hindus to become the followers of Islam or face death. At this, many Hindus gathered at the bank of river Sindhu and prayed water god to save them from the cruel action of Mirik Shah. They continued their prayer for forty days. On the fortieth day they heard an Akashvani which said that he would take birth at Nasarpur and would rescue them all from the tyrant. The Akashvani (the divine voice) came true and a child was born in due course. This child was later known as Jhulelal . He had a miraculous personality. Through his miracles he compelled the Muslim ruler to treat the Hindus and Muslims alike. Since then he Sindhi community celebrate  the festival of Cheti chand to honour the birth of Jhule lal.

Monday, November 11, 2013

(5.2.2/1) Muhurat / Auspicious time for new business / New shop 2017-2017

The best time / auspicious time or Muhurat / Shubh muhurat for starting a new business or opening a shop in the year  2017 - 2018

The following factors / things are considered for the muhurat for starting a new business / shop :- 
(1) Tithi
(2) Vaar
(3) Nakshtra
(4) Chandra Shuddhi
(5) Lagna / time ( Kumbh lagna is prohibited ) 
Important Note - During a year due to Guru and Shukra Ast and other inauspicious period, there remain a limited number of auspicious days which cover all the norms necessary for the muhurat for starting a new business or opening a new shop etc. Under this situation people can start business  etc. on Chaitra Shukla PratipadaAkshay TritiyaVijaya Dashmi and Kartika  Shukla Pratipada which are known as the Sadhe Teen Swyam Siddha Muhurat. Besides these four days, one can start business  etc. when there occurs Guru Pushyamrit Yog and Ravi Pushyamrit Yog. To know their day and date click on them.
Here under are given the Muhurat for new business / shop in the year 2015-2016. If you want to know which of the following Muhuratas is favourable for you , you are to know Chandra Shuddhi and for Chandra Shuddhi click here  :-
(  For Chandra Suddhi you must know your Name Sign ,If you want to know your Name Sign Click here )
There is no proper muhurat for starting new business due to Dhanu Mal Maas from 15.12.2016 to 14.01.2017.
Muhurat for new business or new Shop in the year 2017 -  
> 19.01.2017 Thursday
Muhurat for  opening a shop or starting a new business in January 2017
Time From 12:16 to 12:59
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya.
Muhurat for  opening a shop or starting a new business in February 2017
> 03.02.2017 Friday
Time From 12:19 to 13:02
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mesh.
> 06.02.2017 Monday
Time From 12:19 to 13:02
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishabh.
> 13.02.2017 Monday
Time From 12:19 to 13:03
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Singh.
> 15.02.2017 Wednesday
Time From Sunrise to 09:54
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya.
> 16.02.2017 Thursday
Time From 12:30 to 13:14
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Tula.
> 19.02.2017 Sunday
Time From 12:29 to 13:14
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishchik.
There is no proper muhurat for new business or new Shop due to Holashtak  from 03.05.2017 to 12.03.2017.
Muhurat for  opening a shop or starting a new business in March 2017
> 13.03.2017 Monday
Time From 06:47 to 08:14 or 12:13 to 13:01
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya.
Due to Meen Mal Maas from 14.03.2017 to 13.04.2017, there is no proper Muhrat for new business or opening shop.
Muhurat for  opening a shop or starting a new business in April 2017
> 24.04.2017, Monday
Time - From sunrise to 07:22
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Meen

> 28.04.2017, Friday
Time - From 7:32 to 10:47 & 11:58 to 12:50 & 12:24 to 14:01
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Meen
> 30.04.2017, Sunday
Time - From sunrise to 06:41

Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mithun
Muhurat for  opening a shop or starting a new business in May, 2017
> 07.05.2017, Monday
Time - 11:57 to 12:50
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya
> 08.05.2017, Monday
Time - 11:56 to 12:49
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya
> 12.05.2017, Friday
Time - 11:57 to 12:50
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishchik
> 27.05.2017, Saturday
Time - 11:57 to 12:51
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mithun
Muhurat for  opening a shop or starting a new business in June, 2017
> 03.06.2017, Saturday
Time - 11:57 to 12:52
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya
> 05.06.2017, Monday
Time - 11:57 to 12:52
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Tula
> 12.06.2017, Monday
Time - 11:59 to 12:17
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Dhanu
> 19.06.2017, Monday
Time - 12:00 to 12:55
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Meen
> 22.06.2017, Thursday
Time - 12:01 to 12:56
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrish
> 26.06.2017, Monday
Time - 12:02 to 12:57
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kark
> 30.06.2017, Friday
Time - 12:03 to 12:58
Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya

Related Posts - 
(7) Holashtak
(5.3.26) Singhast Guru (Guru in the singh Raashi)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

(10.1.14) Ugadi 2017

Ugadi 2017 / Yugadi 2017

When is Ugadi in 2017
In the year 2016 Ugadi is on Tuesday , 28.03.2017.
1.Important things about Ugadi :-
(1) Ugadi is mainly the festival of Andhra Pradesh and Karnatak .
(2) Ugadi is the combination of two words 'Yug' (which means 'Era') and 'Aadi' (which means beginning'). Thus Ugadi is the beginning of the new year.
(3) It is only a one day festival.
(4) The same day is celebrated as Gudi Padawa in Maharashtra.
(5) The same day is also the first day of the Hindu new year.
(6) It is also the day when Lord Brahma started the creation of this universe.
(7) This day is the day of joy and zeal.
2. Celebrations
People get up early in the morning. They clean their houses and tie fresh mango leaves over the door ways on this day. People plaster the ground in front of their houses with cow dung and draw colourful designs on it. They pray for the health of their family members, prosperity and success in their life. Some people read religious scriptures, chant mantras, listen to the hymns etc. 
It is believed that Udadi is the most auspicious day for starting a new venture and on this day people buy new vehicles and other things. 
3. Panchang Sravanam- 
 Is is also a tradition to go to the temples and listen to the yearly calendar. It is known as Panchang Sravanam. Priest make predictions for the coming year.
4. Ugadi Pachadi - 
Besides Puja and rituals people enjoy traditional dishes. Ugadi pachadi  is a kind of a paste or chatney. This Pachadi is made of Jaggery, raw mango, fresh tamarind, new leaves of the Neem tree and chili powder.This dish is a combination of sweet, sour and bitter taste.This taste represents the taste of life which is also the combination of sweet and bitter experiences. 
They eat this chutney with an empty stomach. It is also served as a Prasad.
Related  Posts you will like to read :- 
(10.1.13) Gudi Padawa 
(10.1.17) Nav Samwatsar

(10.1.13) Gudi Padwa 20167

Gudi Padwa  2017

When is Gudu Padwa in 2017
In the year 2017 Gudi Padawa is on Tuesday, 28 March, 2017. 
Important Things about Gudi Padwa- 
- Gudi Padava is mainly the festival of Maharashtra.
- Padaw is the another name for Pratipada of the Hindu Lunar month. It is celebrated on the Chaitra Shukla Pradtipada.
- Gudi Padwa is also  the first day of the Hindu new year, on this day Chaitra or  Basant Nav Ratra starts. 
- The people of Maharashtra celebrate this festival to welcome the new year. 
- This day is also known as Ugadi in Anthra Pradesh and Karnatak.
- According to the Brahma Puran, Lord Brahma started the creation of this universe on this day. 
- Gudi Paewa is also considered as one of the Sadhe Teen Swayam Siddhi (Self Proven)  Muhuratas
People like to begin a new venture, buy new clothes, vehicles and starting new business on this auspicious day.
In the rural area of Maharastra, people clean their houses and plaster the court yards with cow dung and draw colourful designs of different things. In the cities people clean their houses and women draw colourful rangolis at their door steps. People wear new clothes. They consider it  as auspicious to start the day by eating bitter leaves of Neem Tree.
 It is also considered auspicious to prepare paste by mixing leaves of Neem tree, dhaniya, jaggery and tamarind. The members of the family eat this paste.They believe that it purifies their blood increases immunity power. 
People hang Gudis out side their houses. For it they put a brass pot upside down on a pole decorated with silk clothes, flower garlands mango leaves and coconut. It is believed that this Gudi is a symbol of victory of Marathas. It is also believed that the Gudi removes the evil things and brings prosperity and good luck.
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Saturday, November 9, 2013

(5.3.20) Prohibited Period / Inauspicious Period for marriage Muhurat

Prohibited Period for marriage Muhurat / Other Muhurats

Marriage is one of the sixteen Sanskars of the Hindus. According to the books on Muhurat the marriage should not be performed during the prohibited or inauspicious period.
( Note - The following is the short description of the prohibited period. If you want to know the detail description of this period , you are to click the name of the period. )
(5.3.13) Meen Sankranti - Meen Mal Maas period.
(5.3.15) Combustion of Guru ( Jupiter ).
(5.3.27) Combustion of Shukra ( Venus )
(4) Hari Shayan period.
(13.1.15)Shraadh Paksh.
(5.3.13) Dhanu Sankranti ( Dhanu Mal Maas )
(5.3.12) Holashtak
(5.3.16) Thirteen days Paksh ( Pakhawara ) 
(5.3.26) Singhast Guru (Guru in the singh Raashi)
(6.2.1 ) Adhik Maas

(10.3.18) Magh Snan / Magh Month 2017

Magh month / Magh Snan

When is Magh snan
Magh snan begins on 12.01.2017 and ends on 10.02.2017
Importance of Magh Month and Magh Snan (Bath)
In the Hindu calendar in a year, three months- Magh, Kartik and Vaisakh are considered very auspicious. If a person takes bath in these three months with the feeling of devotion, humility, selflessness and belief, his sins are washed away. It is better take bath before sunrise.
Who can/ should take a bath during Magh Month
Every Person whether he/she is Brahmin, Khastriya, Vaishya or shudra, whether he is old or young can have a bath during this month.
Where and How to bathe in Magh Month.
For the bathing, Kashi and Prayaag are considered to be most pious and beneficial. If it is not possible to go there, one should recall their names while bathing at any other place. 
(or)If one can not go to any religious place for a bath, one can have a bath in any river or in a pond (or) one should put a bucket full of water on the roof in the open the whole night and have a bathe with this water early in the morning.
The period for the Magh Snan
This Magh snan starts from the Paush Shukla Purnima and ends on Magh Shukla Purnima
(or) From Paush Shuka Ekadashi to Magh Shukla Ekadashi.
Thus the Magh snan completes in one month, but if it is not possible for one to have a bath for the whole of the month, one can start his bath from Magh Shukla Trayodashi to Magh Shuka  Purnima.
This Magh Snan can wash away the sins of the persons. 
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(10.3.20) Vaisakh Maas / Vaisaakh Snan

Thursday, November 7, 2013

(10.1.12) Christmas (The Festival of the Christians)

When is the Christmas celebrated - 
The festival of Christmas is celebrated on 25 of December every year.
Why is Christmas celebrated
The festival, in fact, is the birthday anniversary of lord Christ, the prophet of Christians, who was born on this day. The Christians believe that he was sent by God as a saviour of  the mankind. So, to celebrate their Lord's birthday, they organize this festival.
How is Christmas celebrated
People make great preparations to celebrate this festival. All the houses and churches are white washed and cleaned. Their walls are decorated with pictures, paper flowers and the wall buntings. Toys, especially showing Christ with Mary, the pious mother, are also placed on the show cornices. The shop keepers sell Christmas cards and Christmas presents. they decorate their shops with them so nicely that everyone is attracted to them.
Christmas tree  
Christmas tree is planted in almost all the  houses of the Christian community . It is the most important ritual of the occasion. A big twig of a tree is cut down and it is planted in some corner of the house. This twig is decorated with toys,  dolls, birds and flowers. At night candles and electric bulbs are lighted on it. In this light this Christmas tree looks very beautiful and bright.
Other celebrations 
In the night all the members including the children of the family sing songs and hymns and offer prayers to God who sent his son, Christ, on this earth to remove all  the sins and the  sufferings from it. In the morning they go to church and say their prayer. Then they exchange Christmas greetings with their friends and relatives. They also give Christmas gifts to them. Christmas cards, pictures, books  and sweets are sent to their friends and relatives. Then big feasts are given. Delicious dishes are served, to the visitors affectionately. After the feast all the members take part in singing and dancing. At nigh they go to the Church in the assembly and offer their prayers to God. They pray to him to bless them a happy life for the whole of the coming year. Thus the festival comes to close.
Other related Posts which you will like to read :- 
(1) Christmas greetings , good wishes and Christmas SMS.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

(8.3.5) Tulsi Vivah ( Marriage of Tulsi plant ) 2016

Tulsi vivah / What is Tulsi Vivah ?/When is Tulsi Vivah performrd ? How is Tulsi Vivah performed ? What is the religious importance of Tulsi Vivah ? 

When is Tulsi Vivah in 2016
In the year 2016 Tulsi vivah is Friday, 11.11.2016.
What is Tulsi Vivah 
The plant of Tulsi is considered to be the sacred plant by the Hindus. It is also known as the Vishnu Priya. According to the Hindu scriptures, Tulsi Vivah is considered as a religious ceremony. This vivah is a symbolic marriage of the plant Tulsi with Lord Vishnu.
When is Tulsi vivah solemnized -
In the Padma Puran it is mentioned that Tulsi vivah is performed on Kartik shukla Navami Tithi. But according to some other scriptures, Tulsi vivah is performed on any day from Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi  to  Kartik Shukl Purnima 
How is Tulsi vivah Solemnized -
The plant Tulsi, which is to be marred off is watered for three months before the fixed day of marriage. Everyday this plant is worshiped and Gheedeepak is lighted in the evening near it. On the appointed day, almost all the religious rituals of a Hindu marriage are observed. A Mandap is built and the Tulsi plant and the idol of Lord Vishnu or the Shaligram stone, which is the symbol of Lord Vishnu, are put in the Mandap. They are clothed with bridal dresses. The Pandit ( a brahman ) chants the holy mantras. Havan is also done and the Phere also take place. Thus all the formalities of an ordinary Hindu marriage are observed. A wedding feast is also given.
Religious importance of Tulsi vivah -
According to the Hindu religion, the Kanyadan ( marrying off the daughter ) is considered to be a great Dan or donation or charity, so is the case with the performing of Tulsi vivah. Thus Tulsi vivah is considered as a religious ceremony. As Tulsi plant is very dear to Vishnu so people perform the marriage of Tulsi with Vishnu.
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( 5.2.4 ) Muhurat for Griha Pravesh 2017 -2018

Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2017 -2018 / House entering Muhurat 2017 -2018 

Entering a new house at the right time in the right Muhurta brings prosperity and  familial harmony.For the Muhurat for Griha Pravesh the following factors / things are considered :-
(1) Month
(2) Vaar (day)
 (3) Tithi
(4) Nakshatra
(5) Kalash Chakra -
Kalash Chakra (which is also known as Kubbh Chakra) is one of the impotant factors for calcuting the Muhurat for for Grih Pravesh. Due to Kalash Chakra Shuddhi calculation there remains a limited number of Muhuratas for Griha Pravesh. Here we have given the Muhurats with Kalash Chakra Shuddhi and without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi.
(6) Chandra Shuddhi or Chandra Bal ( For the person who wants to use this Muhurat )
Here under are given the auspicious time or Muhurtas  for house entering / house warming / Griha Pravesh . If you want to know which of the Muhuratas is favourable for you , you are to know Chandra Shuddhi or Chandra Bal and for how to know Chandra Shuddhi you are to click here
( For Chandra Shuddhi you must know your Rashi or Name sign, If you want to know yourRashi or NAME SIGN click here)
Why are the Muhurats for Griha Pravesh limited in number -
(1) For the Muhurat for Griha  Parvesh ( House warming / entering a new house ) some important things are invariably considered , particularly Kalash Chakra Shuddhi which is a kind of calculation .Because of these things  the number of the House entering Muhuratas or Griha Pravesh Muhuratas remains limited.
(2) Only Magh, Phalgun, Vaisakh and Jyeshth are considered the best months for Griha Pravesh. Shravan, Kartik and Margshirsh are considered average.
(3) The inauspicious period like Meen Sankranti - Meen Mal Maas period.  Combustion of Guru ( Jupiter ). Combustion of Shukra ( Venus )  Holashtak  and other such inauspicious period is prohibited for Griha Pravesh.
(4) '' strictly considers all the factors which are necessary for calculating the Muhurat for Griha Pravesh.
Note - There are two types of houses or buildings- (1) Newly constructed houses and (2) Old, repaired or rented houses. We have given the Muhurats for both the types of the houses.
(A) Here under are given the Muhurat for Griha Pravesh or entering newly constructed house in 2017 -2018

Griha Pravesh Muhurat in 2017
(Muhurat for Griha Pravesh in January, 2017)
> 23.01.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 12:30 to 13:13
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Vrishchik
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in February, 2017)
> 02.02.2017 Thursday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 12:30 to 13:13
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Meen
> 06.02.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 12:30 to 13:14
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Vrish
> 15.02.2017 Wednesday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 11:28 to 12:15
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Kanya
> 16.02.2017 Thursday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 12:30 to 13:14
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Tula
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in March, 2017)
There is no proper Muhurat for Griha Pravesh in March , 2017)
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in April, 2017)
> 19.04.2017 Wednesday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From sunrise  to 09:14
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Makar
> 22.04.2017 Saturday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From 11:59 to 12:51
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Kumbh
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in May, 2017)
> 06.05.2017 Saturday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 06:08 to 08:04
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is singh
> 08.05.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 11:57 to 12:49
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Kanya
> 12.05.2017 Friday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 07:51 to 10:17 &11:56 to 12:49
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Vrishchik
> 17.05.2017 Wednesday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From sunrise to 07:25
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Makar
> 19.05.2017 Friday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From 11:56 to 12:50
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Kumbh
> 22.05.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 11:56 to 12:50
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Meen
> 27.05.2017 Saturday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 11:57 to 12:51
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Mithun
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in June, 2017)
> 03.06.2017 Saturday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 11:57 to 12:52
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Kanya
> 05.06.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 11:58 to 12:52
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Tula
> 19.06.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for new house)
Time - From 12:57 to 12:55
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Meen
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in July, 2017)
> 10.07.2017 Monday (Without Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From 12:20 to 12:59
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Makar
> 20.07.2017 Thursday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From 10:08 to 13:00
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Vrish
> 21.07.2017 Friday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From 10:04 to 13:00
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Mithun
> 29.07.2017 Saturday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From 09:12 to 12:59
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Kanya
> 31.07.2017 Monday (With Kalash Chakra Shuddhi) (for old house)
Time - From sunrise to 07:30
Chandra Rashi or Moon Sign is Tula
(Muhurat for Griha Prvesh in July, 2017)
Other Posts you will like to read -
(Tips for the success of the event started according to the Muhurat)
(1) Meen Sankranti - Meen Mal Maas period.
(An inauspicios period)
(2) Combustion of Guru ( Jupiter ).
(3) Combustion of Shukra ( Venus )
(4) Hari Shayan period.
(5)Shraadh Paksh.
(6) Dhanu Sankranti ( Dhanu Mal Maas )
(7) Holashtak
(8) Thirteen days Paksh ( Pakhawara ) 
(5.3.26) Singhast Guru (Guru in the singh Raashi)

( 5.2.3 ) Muhurat for Laying Foundation / Construction of a New House or Building 2017-2018

Muhurta for Laying foundation / Construction of a new House in the year  2017 - 2018 

 Everyone likes to have his own house . Getting a house constructed at the right time in the auspicious Muhurta gives familial happiness , mental peace  and brings prosperity .For calculating the Muhurat for construction of the house, the following things or factors are considered -
(1) Month (2) Vaar (3) Tithi (4) Nakshatra
(5) Bhoomi shayan -  Bhoomi Shayan time is avoided for laying foundation stone.
(6) Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi  - Because of the Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi (which is a kind of calculation for the house construction  Muhurat) the number of the Muhurat for house construction remains limited. Here under are given the muhurats with and without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi.. The Muhurat with Vastu Chakra Shuddhi is preferable.
(7) Chandra Shuddhi - If you want to know which of the following Muhuratas is favourable for you , you are to know Chandra Shuddhi and  to know what is Chandra Shuddhi click here  :-
Here under are given the Muhurat for laying foundation or House construction or Bhoomi poojan

Muhurat for House construction or Laying foundation in 2017 -
Muhurat for laying Foundation in January 2017
> 18.01.2017 Wednesday ( Without Vrishabh vastu chakra shuddhi )
Time From 10:19 to 11:46
The Foundation stone will be laid in Ishaan Kon.
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kanya.
> 23.01.2017 Monday ( Without Vrishabh vastu chakra shuddhi )
Time From 12:28 to 13:11
The Foundation stone will be laid in Ishaan Kon.
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Vrishchik.
Muhurat for laying Foundation in February 2017
> 02.02.2017 Thursday ( Without Vrishabh vastu chakra shuddhi )
Time From 12:30 to 13:13
The Foundation stone will be laid in Ishaan Kon.
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Meen.
Muhurat for laying Foundation in March 2017
> 13.03.2017 Monday ( With Vrishabh vastu chakra shuddhi )
Time From 12:24 to 13:11
The Foundation stone will be laid in Vayavya Kon.
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kanya.
Muhurat for laying Foundation in April 2017
> 22.04.2017, Saturday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 09.21 to 11.35.(or) from 12.11 to 13.02
The foundation stone will be laid in Vaayavya Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kumbh
Muhurat for laying Foundation in May 2017
> 06.05.2017, Saturday (With Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 06.08 to 08.04
The foundation stone will be laid in Vaayavya Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Singh
> 08.05.2017, Monday (With Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 12.08 to 13.00
The foundation stone will be laid in Vaayavya Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kanya
> 12.05.2017, Friday (With Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time -  From 12.08 to 13.00
The foundation stone will be laid in Vaayavya Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Vrishchik
> 22.05.2017, Monday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 12.07 to 13.01
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Meen
> 27.05.2017, Saturday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 12.17 to 13.11
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Vrishabh
Muhurat for laying Foundation in June 2017
There is no proper Muhurat for laying foundation in June 2017
Muhurat for laying Foundation in July 2017
> 20.07.2017, Thursday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 10.08 to 13.00
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Vrish
> 21.07.2017, Friday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 10.04 to 13.00
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Mithun
> 29.07.2017, Saturday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 12.06 to 12.59
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kanya
Muhurat for laying Foundation in August 2017
> 02.08.2017, Wednesday (With Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 09.16 to 11.32
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Vrishchik
> 09.08.2017, Wednesday (With Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 08.48 to 11.04
The foundation stone will be laid in Nairatya  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kumbh
> 17.08.2017, Thursday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 12.44 to 12.57
The foundation stone will be laid in Agni  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Mithun
> 24.08.2017, Thursday (Without Vrishabh Vastu Chakra Shuddhi)
Time - From 12.03 to 12.55
The foundation stone will be laid in Agni  Kon
The moon sign or Chandra Rashi is Kanya
Muhurat for laying Foundation in September, 2017

Other Posts you will like to read -
(5.1/1) Practical Hints for Muhurat
(1) Meen Sankranti - Meen Mal Maas period.
(2) Combustion of Guru ( Jupiter ).
(3) Combustion of Shukra ( Venus )
(4) Hari Shayan period.
(5)Shraadh Paksh.
(6) Dhanu Sankranti ( Dhanu Mal Maas )
(7) Holashtak
(8) Thirteen days Paksh ( Pakhawara ) 
(5.3.26) Singhast Guru (Guru in the singh Raashi)

( 5.2.2 ) Muhurat for Purchasing / Buying Vehicles(car, motorcycle, bike,bus etc. For the year 2017 -2018

The best date , day and muhurat / shubh muhurat for buying Vehicles- car,motor cycle, scooter, bus, bike and starting new Machinery etc. in the year  2017 - 2018

For vehicle buying / starting new machinery , the following factors / things are considered :- 
(1) Nakshtra ( constellation )  
(2) Chandra Shuddhi 
(3) Tithi
(4) Vaar ( day )
(5) Lagn or auspicious time 
Important Note - During a year due to Guru and Shukra Ast and other inauspicious period, there remain a limited number of auspicious days which cover all the norms necessary for the muhurat for buying and for Puja new vehicles etc. Under this situation people can purchase vehicles etc. on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, Akshay Tritiya, Vijaya Dashmi and Kartika  Shukla Pratipada which are known as the Sadhe Teen Swyam Siddha Muhurat. Besides these four days, one can buy vehicles etc. when there occurs Guru Pushyamrit Yog and Ravi Pushyamrit Yog. To know their day and date click on them.
 The list of the auspicious date , day and time ( Subh Muhurat) for buying / Puja of the vehicle, is given here under. If you want to know which of them is favourable for you , you are to know Chandra shuddhi and for Chandra Shuddhi click here :-
( For Chandra Shuddhi you must know your Rashi or Name sign, If you want to know yourRashi or NAME SIGN click here)

There is no proper muhurat for purchasing vehicles due to Dhanu Mal maas from 15.12.2016 to 14.01.2017
Muhurat for purchasing vehicles and starting machinery in the year 2017 - 
Muhurat for purchasing Vehicles (car, bus, motorcycle etc. in January, 2017
> 19.01.2017, Thursday, From 12:16 to 12:59, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya.
> 23.01.2017, Monday, From 12:17 to 13:00, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishchik.
Muhurat for purchasing Vehicles (car, bus, motorcycle etc. in February 2017
> 03.02.2017, Friday, From 12:19 to 13:02, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mesh.
> 09.02.2017, Thursday, From Sunrise to 08:34, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Karak.
> 15.02.2017, Wednesday, From 08:30 to 09:57 or 11:18 to 12:19, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya.
> 24.02.2017, Friday, From 12:18 to 13:01, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Makar.
There is no proper muhurat for purchasing vehicles due to Holashtak, Meen Mal Maas and Shukra Ast. ( from 05.03.2017 to 12.03.2017,Holashtak, 14.03.2017 to 13.04.2017 Meen Mal Maas, 21.03.2017 to 25.03.2017 Shukra Ast )
Muhurat for purchasing Vehicles (car, bus, motorcycle etc. in April 2017
> 16.04.2017, Sunday, From - 12:52, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishchik
> 22.04.2017, Saturday, From - 10:47, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kumbh
> 28.04.2017, Friday, From -  07:44 to 10:58 & 13:01, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrish
> 30.04.2017, Sunday, From - Sunrise to 06:41, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mithun
Muhurat for purchasing Vehicles (car, bus, motorcycle etc. in May 2017
> 07.05.2017, Sunday, From - 12:50, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya
> 08.05.2017, Monday, From - 09:44, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kanya
> 12.05.2017, Friday, From - 13:00, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishchik
> 22.05.2017, Monday, From - 13:01, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Meen
> 29.05.2017, Monday, From - 13:02, , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Kark
Muhurat for purchasing Vehicles (car, bus, motorcycle etc. in June 2017
> 05.06.2017, Monday, From - 11:57 to 12:52 , Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Tula
> 09.06.2017, Friday, From - 11.58 to 12:53, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrishchik.
> 19.06.2017, Monday, From - 12.00 to 12:55, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Meen.
> 22.06.2017, Thursday, From - 12.01 to 12:56, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Vrish.
> 25.06.2017, Sunday, From - 12.01 to 12:56, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mithun
> 26.06.2017, Monday, From - 12.02 to 12:57, Chandra Rashi or Moon sign is Mithun.
The other Posts you will like to read :- 
Related Posts - 
(5.2.1) Muhurat for Marriage 
(5.2.2/1)Muhurat for starting a new business or shop 
(5.2.3) Muhurat for laying foundation
(5.2.4) Muhurat for Grih Pravesh

( 5.2.1 ) Hindu Vivah Muhurat 2016- 2017 / Hindu Marriage Dates 2016 -2017

Vivah Muhurta 2016-2017 / Marriage Dates 2016 -2017 / Hindu  Wedding in 2016 -2017 / Hindu Shadi Dates 2016 -2017 

Here under are given the Muhurtas  (Auspicious dates) for Hindu Vivah /Marriage/ Wedding for the year 2016 - 2017 :-
( These dates  are of informative nature, You had better consult the local astrologer for local time and Tri Bal Shuddhi  (त्रिबल शुद्धि ) before fixing the marriage date.Time for Muhurat has been given from sunrise to next sunrise so the time after mid night (24:00 hours) is given as 25:00 , 26:00, 27:00 etc.)
The order of the entry for the Vivah Muhurat is (1) Sr. No. (2) Date of Marriage (3) Day of Marriage (4) Vivah Lagna / Vivah Muhurat time (5) Vivah Rekha

Note - There is no Muhurat for Marriage from 16.12.2015 to 14.01.2016 due to Dhanu Mal Mass
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in January,2016
(45) 15.01.2016, Friday, Vivah Lagna - Kumbh from 09:15 to 10:46, Vivah Rekha - 9
(46) 21.01.2016, Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Gaudhuli from 18:07 to 18:19, Vivah Rekha - 8
(47) 28.01.2016, Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Gaudhuli from 18:13 to 18:25, Vivah Rekha - 6
(48) 28.01.2016, Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Dhanu from 28:42 to 30:35, Vivah Rekha - 9
(49) 29.01.2016, Friday, Vivah Lagna - Dhanu from 28:29 to 30:34, Vivah Rekha - 8
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in February, 2016
(50) 04.02.2016, Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Kanya from 21:16 to 23:31, Vivah Rekha - 7
(51) 17.02.2016, Wednesday, Vivah Lagna -Gaudhuli from 18:15 to 18:39, and Kanya from 20:24 to 21:42, Vivah Rekha - 6
(52) 22.02.2016, Monday, Vivah Lagna - Kanya from 20:04 to 22:17 and Tula from 22:17 to 24:34, Vivah Rekha - 8
(53) 24.02.2016, Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Gaudhuli from 18:20 to 18:44 and Tula from 22:09 to 24:37 and Dhanu from 28:28 to 28:49, Vivah Rekha - 7
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in March, 2016
(54) 05.03.2016, Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Tula from 21:30 to 23:47, Vivah Rekha - 9
(55) 10.03.2016, Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Mithun from 12:09 to 14:23, Vivah Rekha - 8
Note - There is no Muhurat for marriage from 14.03.2016 to 14.04.2016 due to  Meen Mal Mass / Khar Maas and from 16.03.2016 to 23.03.2016 due to Holashtak .
Hindu Vivah/ Marriage Dates in April, 2016 
> 16.04.2016, Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Gau Dhuli Vela, From 18:46 to 18:58, Vivah rekha -7
> 17.04.2016, Sunday, Vivah Lagna -Mithun, From 09:40 to 11:54, Vivah Rekha -8
> 18.04.2016,Monday, Vivah Lagna - Dhanu, From 23:13 to 25:16, Vivah Rekha - 6
> 19.04.2016, Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Mithun, From 09:33 to 11:46 (or) Vivah Lagna - Gau Dhuli Vela From 18:47 to 19:11 (or) Vivah Lagna - Dhanu, From 23:09 to 24:21, Vivah Rekha - 6
> 20.04.2016, Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Mithun & Kark, From 09:29 to 14:00, Vivah Rekha - 8 (or) Vivah Lagna - Gau Dhuli Vela - From 18:48 to 19:12, Vivah Rekha - 9, (or) Vivah Lagna - Dhanu From 23:09 to 25:12, Vivah Rekha - 10
> 22.04.2016, Friday, Vivah Lagna - Kark,  From 11:34 to 13:52, Vivah Rekha - 6 (or) Vivah Lagna - Dhanu, From 22:57 to 22:25, Vivah Rekha 7
> 26.04.2016, Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Gau Dhuli, From 18:51 to 19:15, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 27.04.2016, Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Mithun, From 09:00 to 11:13, Vivah Rekha - 7
Note- There is no Muhurat for Marriage from 02.05.2016 to 06.07.2016 due to Shukra Ast (combustion of Venus).
Hindu Vivah Muhurat or Marriage dates in July, 2016
> 10.07.2016, Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - From 06:23 to 08:41, Vivah Rekha - 9
> 11.07.2016, Monday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - From 06:19 to 08:37, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 13.07.2016, Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Gau Dhuli - From 19:17 to 19:41, Vivah Rekha - 9
Note - There is no Muhurat for marriage from 15.07.2016 to 10.11.2016 due to Dev Shayan, Guru Ast and Shraaddh Paksh.
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in November, 2016
> 16.11.2016 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Meen - from 14:36 to 16:04 or Mesh - from 16:04 to 17:42, Vivah Rekha - 9
> 23.11.2016 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Dhanu - from 08:51 to 10:54 or Meen - 14:09 to 15:37 or Tula - 29:25 to 30:34, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 24.11.2016 Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Dhanu - 09:20 to 10:51 or Tula - from 28:09 to 30:30 Vivah Rekha - 7
> 25.11.2016 Friday, Vivah Lagna- Dhanu - 08:43 to 10:47, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 30.11.2016 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Kanya - from 26:30 to 27:46 or Tula - 27:46 to 30:03, Vivah Rekha - 7
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in December 2016
> 01.12.2016 Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Meen - 13:38 to 15:06 or Mesh - 15:06 to 16:44 or Kanya - 25:27 to 27:42, Vivah Rekha - 6
> 03.12.2016 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Kanya - 25:24 to 27:34 or Tula - from 27:34 to 29:52, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 08.12.2016 Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Mesh - from 14:38 to 16:16 or Gaudhuli Vela - from 17:42 to 17:54 Vivah Rekha - 9
> 09.12.2016 Friday, Vivah Lagna - Kanya - from - 24:56 to 27:11, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 12.12.2016 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Kanya - from 24:44 to 26:59 or Tula - 26:59 to 29:16, Vivah Rekha - 9
 Hindu Vivah Muhurat in 2017 / Vivah dates in 2017
Hindu Vivah Muhurat ( Dates ) in January, 2017
> 16.01.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Tula - from 24:41 to 26:59 or Dhanu - from 29:15 to 31:23, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 17.01.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Tula - from 24:37 to 26:54 or Dhanu - from 29:11 to 31:19, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 18.01.2017 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Meen - from 10:29 to 11:57, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 22.01.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Tula - from 24:17 to 26:35 or Dhanu - from 28:51 to 30:58, Vivah Rekha - 9
Hindu Vivah Muhurat ( Dates ) in February 2017
> 05.02.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Vrishchik - from 25:41 to 27:58, Vivah Rekha - 9
>  06.02.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Mesh - from 10:44 to 12:22, Vivah Rekha - 9
> 18.02.2017 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 29:09 to 30:56, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 19.02.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Mesh -from 09:55 to 11:33 or Vrishabh - from 11:33 to 13:25, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 27.02.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 29:56 to 30:18, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 28.02.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Vrishabh - from 10:54 to 12:51, Vivah Rekha - 7
There is no proper Muhurat for marriage from 05.03.2017 to 12.03.2017 due to Holashtak .and from 14.03.2017 to 13 04.2017 due to Meen Mal Mass 
Hindu Vivah Muhurat / Marriage dates in April ,2017
> 18.04.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 25.17 to 27.01 & Meen - from 28.32 to 29.59, Vivah Rekha -7
> 19.04.2017 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - from 11.49 to 24.05 , Vivah Rekha -8
> 28.04.2017 Friday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 24.37 to 26.21 & Meen - from 27.51 to 29.19, Vivah Rekha -9
Hindu Vivah Muhurat / Marriage dates in May, 2017
> 06.05.2017 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 24.05 to 25.49 & Meen - from 27.19 to 28.47, Vivah Rekha -7
> 12.05.2017 Friday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - from 10.15 to 12.33 , Vivah Rekha -7
> 16.05.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna -  Meen - from 26.14 to 27.43, Vivah Rekha -7
> 21.05.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 23.08 to 24.52 ,Vivah Rekha - 6
> 22.05.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 23.04 to 24.48 & Mesh - from 27.46 to 29.23, Vivah Rekha -7
> 26.05.2017 Friday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 22.47 to 24.31 & Meen - from 26.02 to 27.29 & Mesh -from 27.29to 29.23, Vivah Rekha -8
> 27.05.2017 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - from 09.17 to 11.35 , Vivah Rekha -9
> 31.05.2017 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Mesh - from 27.09 to 28.47 , Vivah Rekha -7
Hindu Vivah Muhurat / Marriage dates in June, 2017
> 02.06.2017 Friday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - 22.19 to 24.03 & Meen - 25.33 to 27.01, Vivah Rekha - 10
> 03.06.2017 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - 08.48  to 11.06
> 06.06.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - 10.34 to 10.57
> 07.06.2017 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - 23.17 to 23.43 & Meen & Meah- 25.13 to 28.19, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 08.06.2017 Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - 08.19 to 10.47 , Vivah Rekha - 9
> 18.06.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - 21.17 to 23.02 & Mesh - Vriasabh - 25.59 to 29.34, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 19.06.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - 07.47 to 10.05, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 27.06.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna - Mesh - 25.24 to 27.02 , Vivah Rekha - 6
> 28.06.2017 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - 07.17 to 09.29 & Kanya  - 11.45 to 14.02, Vivah Rekha - 6
> 30.06.2017 Friday, Vivah Lagna - Kark - 07.03 to 09.23 , Vivah Rekha - 8
Hindu Vivah Muhurat / Marriage dates in July, 2017
> 01.07.2017 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Makar - from 20.31 to 21.49, Vivah Rekha - 7
> 02.07.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Mesh - from 25.10 to 26.46, Vivah Rekha - 8
> 03.07.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Kark -06.52 to 09.11 & Kanya - from 11.28 to 13.43 & Makar - from 20.23 to 22.08, & Mesh- 25.06 to 26.34 Vivah Rekha - 8
There is no proper Muhurat for Marriage from 04.07.2017 to 31.10.2017 due to Dev Shayan and from 11.10.2017 to 06.11.2017 due to Guru Ast.
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in November, 2017
> 23.11.2017 Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Kumbh - From 12.43. to 14.14, & Gaudhuli Vela From - 17.42 to 17.54 & Tula -From - 28.17 to 30.36 Vivah Rekha  -7
> 28.11.2017 Tuesday, Vivah Lagna -  Gaudhuli Vela From - 17.41 to 18.05,  Vivah Rekha  -7
> 29.11.2017 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Kumbh - From 12.19. to 13.50,  Vivah Rekha  -6
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in December, 2017
 > 03.12.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Kumbh - From 12.04. to 13.35, & Singh - From - 23.07 to 25.24 & Kanya -From - 25.24 to 27.39,  Vivah Rekha  -7
> 04.12.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Kumbh - From 12.00. to 13.31, & Singh - From - 23.03 to 25.20 & Kanya -From - 25.20 to 27.19 Vivah Rekha  -8
 > 10.12.2017 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Singh - From 23.43. to 24.56, & Gaudhuli Vela From - 17.34 to 17.55 - Vivah Rekha  -8
> 11.12.2017 Monday, Vivah Lagna - Singh - From 23.34. to 24.49,  -  Vivah Rekha  -9
There is no proper Muhurat for marriage from 15.12.2017 to 14.01.2018 due to Dhanu Mal 
Maas & From 16.12.2017 to 01.02.2018 due to Shukra Ast 
Hindu Vivah Muhurat in February, 2018
> 04.02.2018 Sunday, Vivah Lagna - Gaudhuli Vela - From 18.07 to 18.31 & Tula - From 23.26 to 25.43, Vivah Rekha - 9
> 07.02.2018 Wednesday, Vivah Lagna - Kumbh - From 07.44 to 09.15, Vivah Rekha - 7
There is no proper Muhurat for marriage from 23.02.2018 to 01.03.2018 due to Holashtak.
> 03.03.2018 Saturday, Vivah Lagna - Gaudhuli Vela - From 18.24 to 18.36 , Vivah Rekha - 9
> 08.03.2018 Thursday, Vivah Lagna - Gaudhuli Vela - From 18.39 to 18.51 , Vivah Rekha - 8
There is no proper Muhurat for marriage from 14.03.2018 to 14.04.2018 due to Meen Mal Maas.
Related Posts which you will like to read :- 
(1) Go dhuli Vela / Gau Dhuli Vela
(2) Popular Muhuratas for Marriage 
(3) Holashtak 
(4) Mal Mass / Khar Maas  
(5)Combustion of Guru & Shukra Guru Shukra Tara Ast  
(6) Inauspicious Period / Prohibited Period for auspicious events     
(7) Singhasth Guru
(6.2.1) Adhik Maas or additional month  
(5.2.27) Shukra Ast (combustion of Venus)                           

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