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Friday, May 31, 2013

12-2-3 Quotations of Chanakya

 Quotations of Chanakya 

1. The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.
2.  Whether the task is big or small, the person should do it with full strength and should not relax until it is completed.
3. Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
4. A true friend or a kinsman is he who does not forsake you at the time of your illness, when you  are in trouble, when enemy attacks you.
5. Avoid or forsake the person who talks sweetly in your presence but in your absence he puts obstacles in your way and tries to harm you.
6. If there are a wicked man and a serpent, it is better to choose the serpent because the serpent bites you only once and the wicked man causes you harm at every step.
7. Avoid the company of a fool for he is no different from a two legged animal.
8. Nothing is heavy for the strong or the capable.
9. When a person is distressed, he can get relief from three things - from children, from a good wife, and from the company of good persons.
10. The person who does not shy or hesitate in monetary dealings, in acquiring knowledge, in eating, in dealing with others, becomes happy.
11. Never make the friendship with the persons who are above or below you in status. Such friendship may lead you to unhappiness.
12. Knowledge or learning is a friend of a person in a foreign country, his wife is his friend in the house, medicine in illness and good deeds are the friends of a person at the time of his death.
13. Everything can be acquired through learning and it is learning which is worshiped every where.
14. The person whose actions are disorganised, is happy neither among the society nor in the forest.

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