Raksha Bandhan / Rakhi 2017 (Muhurat)
When is Rakhi / Raksha Bandhan in the year 2017In the year 20167 Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi is on Monday, 07 August 2017
The Muhurat or the auspicious time for tying Rakhi is -
On 07.08.2017 Bhadra is up to 11.07 (prohibited period) and Chadragrahan Sootak begins from 13.52 (prohibited period) . So proper Muhurat for Rakhi tying is -
Abhijit Muhurat - from 12:17 to 13:10
( or ) Shubh Chaughadiya - from 17:31 to 19:08.
Note -Raksha Bandhan ritual must not be done during Bhadra kal or Bhadra period . Bhadra period is inauspicious period which should be avoided for all auspicious work. Hindu scriptures advise to avoid Bhadra time to tie Rakhi during Rakha Bandhan festival.
How to tie Rakhi - The sister applies Tilak and rice on the forehead of the brother. Then she ties Rakhi on the right wrist of the brother and prays for his long life and feed him some sweet. In return the brother gives his sister some good gifts in the form of cash and kind and promises to protect her.
It is better to chant the following Mantra while tying the Rakhi :-
Yen baddho Bali Raajaa daanvendro mahaabalah ,
Ten twaamnubadhnaami rakshe maa chal maa chal .
The importance of Rakhi / Raksha Bandhan -
Rakhi is a thread which is the symbol of affection and a bond of protection. Sisters have strong faith that Rakhi has the power to ward off harms and dangers through the year. Brothers also have faith in the command to save their sisters in all the difficulties and miseries.
Raksha Bandhan is also a festival of the protection of the weak by the strong.
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