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Saturday, June 28, 2014

(5.2.26) Muhurat for Travelling / Journey (Yatra Muhurat)

Yatra ke Liye Muhurat / Yatra Muhurat

Everyone has to travel from one place to another for some purpose or the other. But starting the journey at the right time brings good results good Muhurat considered.
The travelling may be long or short. It may be daily travelling also.
Note - For the travelling which is done daily or almost daily, one does not need to consider any Muhurat for it. However, the person can use or adopt certain tips for successful and safe journey,   and for better results  and to avoid obstacles, if any.
If the journey or travelling is long or its purpose is important or it is the journey to religious places (Pilgrimage), then the auspicious Muhurat should be considered so that it may be fruitful and purpose serving. The following things or factors are considered for such type of travelling or journey - 
Tithi - Dwitiya,Tritiya, Panchami, Saptmi, Dashami, Ekadashi of both the  Paksh and Pratipada of Krishna Paksh and Trayodashi of Shukla Paksha are considered auspicious.
Nakshatra - Ashvini, Mrigshira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hast, Anuradha, Shravan, Dhanishtha and Revati are considered the best. Rohini, Jeshtha, Mool, Shatbhisha, all the three Poorva, all the Uttara are considered medium. 
Note - But the Panchak Nakshatra i.e. Dhanishtha, Revati,     Shatbhisha,  Poorva Bhadrapad and Uttara Bhadrapad must be avoided for travelling in the south direction.(For detail click here)
Yog - Vaidhriti and Vyatipat Yog should be avoided.
Karan - Vishti Karan (Bhadra) should be avoided.
Chaughadiya - Amrit, Char, Labh or shubh Chaghadias are good.( for detail here)
Hora - Chandra, Budh, Guru or Shukra Hora are auspicious.(For detail click here)
Lagna (Ascendant)- Char Lagna i.e. Mesh or Kark or Tula or Makar and Dwiswabhav Lagna i. e. Mithun or Kanya or Dhanu or Meen are considered good.
It is better if the benefic Planets are in 1,4, 5,7, 9 and in the 10 th houses and the malefic planets are in the 3,6,and 11th houses in the Lagna.
Chandra Shuddhi / Chandra bal - At the time of starting the journey, the moon should not be in the fourth or eighth or twelfth Rashi from the name Rashi / birth Rashi of the person who is undertaking the travelling / journey. ( For detail click here)
Disha Shool - Disha shool is also the factor which is considered for the Muhurat for journey. The concept of Dishashool indicates that the person should not travel on the particular week day to the particular direction. (For the detail chart of Dish shool CLICK HERE)
Chandra Niwas (The situation / location of the Moon) - Chandra niwas or location of Moon on the day of journey plays an important role for the successful journey. (For Chandra Niwas and its importance, click here.)  
Other Posts you will like to read - 
(13.2.9) Tips for successful and safe journey
(13.2.10) Shubh Shakun (Omens) at the time of travelling
(6.2.13) Chandra Shuddhi / Chandra bal
(5.3.3) Chaughadiya Muhurat
(5.3.18) Vishithi Karan (Bhadra)
(5.3.21) Hora Muhurat

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