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Friday, May 31, 2013

12-2-2 Quotations Of Swett Marden

12-2-2 Quotations Of Swett Marden

1. "Failures and misery are not for the man who has seen the God side of himself, who has been in touch with the divinity. They are for those who have not been in touch with Divinity."
2. "Idea go booming through the word louder than Cannon. Thoughts are mightier than the armies. Principles have achieved more victories than horsemen or chariots."
3. "Beauty is a quality of Divinity and to live much with the beautiful, is to live close to the Divine. The more we see the beauty everywhere, in nature, in life, in man,  in child, in work and in rest, the more we see of God."
4."Everyday is little hope and our whole life is but a day repeated. Do little things now, so shall big things come to thee by and by, asking to be done."
5. "The Universe pays every man in his own coin, if you smile, it smiles on you in return; if you frown, you will be frowned at; if you sing you will be invited to gay company, if you love the world you will be surrounded by loving friends and nature will pour into your lap the treasures of the Earth."
6. "There is really very little connection between the accumulation of money and real success, success is growth, is expansion, is the unfolding of divine nature of man, of all that is Godlike within him. A man may make millions and still be a failure. True success is in development  to the highest possible extent of all the higher qualities of one's nature."
7. "Every man builds his own world, and makes his own atmosphere."
8. "The man who can stand alone, who is not afraid of difficulties, who does not hesitate before obstacles, the man who believes in his own inherent power to do things, he is the man who will win."
9. "How can a man be free, prosperous and happy while he is imprisoned and enslaved by the poverty thought, the conviction that he is poor and unlucky, and that he can never accumulate money as others do?"
10. "The secret of happiness is in a cheerful, contented mind. He is poor who is dissatisfied. He is rich who is contented with what he has."
11." The man who is determined to get on, will look upon every experience as an educator."
12. "The low aim is a crime because it pulls down every other quality to its level. Low aim destroys the executive ability."
13. "Some thoughts send hope and joy, gladness and encouragement, some others restrict,repress all hope, joy and contentment. "
14. "By thoughts or through thinking, we can make our minds art galleries of beauty, or chambers of horror."
15. "We should not judge a person by what he is doing, for it may be just a stepping stone to something higher up, further on.Judge him by what he is ambitious and determined to do. An honest man will do any respectable work as a stepping stone to his goal."
16. "When you set your mind   towards achievements, let everything about you indicate success. Let your manner, your dress, your conversation and every thing  you do, speak of achievement and success. Carry always a successful environment with you." 

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