Sagai Muhurat / Vagdaan Muhurat / Engagement Muhurat
What is Sagai or Engagement or betrothal :-
Engagement or Sagai is a kind of agreement between two persons ( a male and a female) to get married.
Factors to be considered for the Muhurat for Engagement :-
The following factors / variables/ things are considered for the Muhurat for engagement -
(1) Tithi - Dwitiya, Tririya, Panchami, Saptami and Dashami, of both of the Paksha i.e. Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha and Pratipada of Krishna Paksha and Trayodashi of Shukla Paksha.
(2) Vaar - Monday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday.
(3) Nakshatra - Ashivini, Rohini, Mrigshira, Magha, all the three Uttaras, all the three Purvas, Hast, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Mool, Shravan, Dhanishtha, Revati.
(4) Chandra Shuddhi / Chandra Bal - On the day of engagement, the Moon must not be in the fourth or eighth or twelfth Rashi from the name rashi / birth rashi of both the persons who are being engaged.
For Chandra Shuddhi click here :-
( For Chandra Shuddhi you must know your Rashi or Name sign, If you want to know your Rashi or NAME SIGN click here)
Prohibited Period - Engagement ceremony should be avoided during Bhadra (Vishti Karan), combustion of Guru and Shukra and Chaturmaas.
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(5.3.12) Holashtak
(5.3.13) Mal Mass / Khar Maas
(5.3.15) Combustion of Guru & Shukra Guru Shukra Tara Ast
(5.3.20) Inauspicious Period / Prohibited Period for auspicious events
(5.3.26) Singhasth Guru
(6.2.1) Adhik Maas or additional month
(5.2.1) Muhurat for Marriage
(5.2.2/1)Muhurat for starting a new business or shop
(5.2.3) Muhurat for laying foundation
(5.2.4) Muhurat for Grih Pravesh
What is Sagai or Engagement or betrothal :-
Engagement or Sagai is a kind of agreement between two persons ( a male and a female) to get married.
Factors to be considered for the Muhurat for Engagement :-
The following factors / variables/ things are considered for the Muhurat for engagement -
(1) Tithi - Dwitiya, Tririya, Panchami, Saptami and Dashami, of both of the Paksha i.e. Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha and Pratipada of Krishna Paksha and Trayodashi of Shukla Paksha.
(2) Vaar - Monday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday.
(3) Nakshatra - Ashivini, Rohini, Mrigshira, Magha, all the three Uttaras, all the three Purvas, Hast, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Mool, Shravan, Dhanishtha, Revati.
(4) Chandra Shuddhi / Chandra Bal - On the day of engagement, the Moon must not be in the fourth or eighth or twelfth Rashi from the name rashi / birth rashi of both the persons who are being engaged.
For Chandra Shuddhi click here :-
( For Chandra Shuddhi you must know your Rashi or Name sign, If you want to know your Rashi or NAME SIGN click here)
Prohibited Period - Engagement ceremony should be avoided during Bhadra (Vishti Karan), combustion of Guru and Shukra and Chaturmaas.
Other posts you will like to read -
(5.3.12) Holashtak
(5.3.13) Mal Mass / Khar Maas
(5.3.15) Combustion of Guru & Shukra Guru Shukra Tara Ast
(5.3.20) Inauspicious Period / Prohibited Period for auspicious events
(5.3.26) Singhasth Guru
(6.2.1) Adhik Maas or additional month
(5.2.1) Muhurat for Marriage
(5.2.2/1)Muhurat for starting a new business or shop
(5.2.3) Muhurat for laying foundation
(5.2.4) Muhurat for Grih Pravesh