What is a sun sign / What is your sun sign
In the astrology (particularly in the western astrology) the sun sign represents the sign of zodiac where the planet sun is present at the time of the birth of an individual. By sun sign one can know the common characteristics and information related to one's life and personality. Your sun sign is as follows -(1) Aries zodiac sign starts from 21 March to 19 April each calendar year.
(2) Taurus zodiac sign starts from 20 April to 21 May each calendar year.
(3) Gemini zodiac sign starts from 22 May to 21 June each calendar year.
(4) Cancer zodiac sign starts from 22 June to 22 July each calendar year.
(5) Leo zodiac sign starts from 23 July to 23 August each calendar year.
(6) Virgo zodiac sign starts from 24 August to 23 September each calendar year.
(7) Libra zodiac sign starts from 24 September to 23 October each calendar year.
(8) Scorpio zodiac sign starts from 24 October to 21 November each calendar year.
(9) Sagittarius zodiac sign starts from 22 November to 21 December each calendar year.
(10) Capricorn zodiac sign starts from 22 December to 20 January each calendar year.
(11) Aquarius zodiac sign starts from 21 January to 19 February each calendar year.
(12) Pisces zodiac sign starts from 20 February to 22 March each calendar year.
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