Dev Uthani Ekadasi / Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi 2016 Vrat and Tulasi Vivah
When is Dev Uthani Ekadashi / Dev Prabodhini EkadashiThis year Dev Uthani Ekadashi is on Thursday, 10.11.2016.
Dev Uthani Ekadashi
Kartika Shukla Ekadashi is known as the Dev Uthani Ekadashi or Dev Prabodhani Ekadashi.
Dev Prabodhan means waking up of the Gods. According to the Purans, on this day God Vishnu wakes up after four months of sleep in the Kshir Sagar on Dev Uthani Ekadashi. This holy day is considered very important for the Hindus. On this day people worship the images of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. On this day the period of Chaturmas ends. So it is considered auspicious. The marriages and other auspicious tasks which could not be done during the period of Dev Shayan and Chaturmas , are started again on this day.
Ekadashi Vrat - People keep fast on this day. It is said that observing the Vrat on Ekadashi destroys the sins of the person. The person who keeps fast should get up early in the morning , take bath and offer prayers. Then he should perform a simple Pooja of Lord Vishnu at home. If there is a Vishnu temple near his home , he should go there and have Darshan of the image of Lord Vishnu. He should keep the fast for 24 hours and break it next day ( on Dwadashi) after having a bath.
Prayer Mantras for Dev Prabodhani Ekadashi - Vishnu Sahshtra naam
or Om Namo Narayan
or Om Namo Vasudevay
or any Stotra or prayer related to Lord Vishnu.
On this day some people perform the marriage of Tulasi ( a holy plant ) with Saligram ( a form of Lord Vishnu).
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