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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(14.1.11) Ganesh Stotra for Debt Relief / Rin Mukti Stotra

Remedy to clear debt / loan / Rin  

To start a new business or to fulfill some needs or requirements one needs money. In some cases he has to take loan from bank etc. But he finds himself unable to clear off the the debts in time. In that case the chanting of the following Ganesh Stotra will show him the right way and help him in repaying his debts.
Recitation Process of Ganesh Rin Mukti Stotra -
After getting fresh from daily routine, sit on a piece of woolen clothes or a mat made of Kusha grass facing east or north in a separate room or at any suitable place. Keep a picture or an idol of Lord Ganesh in front of you. Close your eyes and meditate on Lord Ganesh -
Dhyaanam -
Sindoor varnam, dwibhujum Ganesham, Lambodaram, padmadale nivishtam.
Brahmaadidevai parisevya maanam siddhairyutam tam praanamaami devam.
सिन्दूर वर्णं द्विभुजं गणेशं लम्बोदरं पद्मदले निविष्टम्। 
ब्रह्मादिदेवैः परिसेव्य मानं सिद्धैर्युतं तं प्रणमामि देवम् ।। 
Meaning - I salute Lord Ganesh who is of red colour who has two arms, who has a long belly, who sits on the petals of lotus flower, who is served by Brahma and other gods and who is with the eminent sages.
After this meditation recite the following Stotra -
(1) Srishtayaadou brahamanaa samyak pujitah phal siddhaye.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
Tripurasya vadhaat poorvam shambhunaa samyagarchitah.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
(१) सृष्ट्यादौ ब्रह्मणा सम्यक् पूजितः फल सिद्धये। 
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।।  
त्रिपुरस्य वधात् पूर्वं शम्भुना सम्यगर्चितः। 
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।।  
Meaning in English - The son of goddess Parvati, who was worshiped by Lord Brahmaa to get the power for creation of the universe, always destroy my debts.
The son of goddess Parvati, to whom Lord Shiva worshiped before killing Tripur, always destroy all all debts.
(2) Hiranyakashyapaadeenaam vadhaarthe Vishnunaarchitah.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
Mahishasya vadhe devyaa gananaathah prapoojitah.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
(२) हिरण्यकश्यपादीनां वधार्थे विष्णुनार्चितः।
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।। 
महिषस्य वधे देव्या गणनाथः प्रपूजितः। 
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।।  
Meaning in English - The son of goddess Parvati, to whom Lord Vishnu worshiped before killing Hiranyakashyap and other demons,always destroy and  eliminate all my debts.
The son of goddess Parvati, to whom goddess Durga worshiped as the Lord of Ganas before killing Mahishasur, always destroy and eliminate all my debts.
(3) Taarakasya vadhaat poorvam kumaaren prapoojitah.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
Bhaaskaren Ganeshastu poojitashchhavisiddhaye.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
(३) तारकस्य वधात् पूर्वं कुमारेण प्रपूजितः। 
 सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।। 
भास्करेण गणेशस्तु पूजितश्छविसिद्धये।।    
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।। 
Meaning in English -The son of goddess Parvati, who was worshiped by Kaartikey before killing Taarakaasur,always destroy and eliminate all my debts.
The son of goddess Parvati, who was worshiped by sun god to get his lustre or brilliance protected, always destroy and eliminate all my debts.
(4) Shashinaa kaantisiddhayartham poojito gananaayakah.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
Paalanaay cha tapasaa Vishvaamitren poojitah.
Sadaiva Parvatiputra rinanaasham karotu me.
(४)शशिना कान्तिसिद्धयर्थं पूजितो गणनायकः।  
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।। 
 पालनाय च तपसा विश्वामित्रेण पूजितः।।    
सदैव पार्वतीपुत्र ऋणनाशं करोतु मे।। 
Meaning in English - The son of goddess Parvati,who was worshiped as the lord of ganas by moon god for his brilliance, always destroy and eliminate all my debts.
The son of goddess Parvati,who was worshiped by the sage Vishvaamitra through his penance for his protection, always destroy and eliminate all my debts.
(5) Idam tvrinaharam stotram teevradaaridryanaashanam.
Ek vaaram pathenityam varshamekam samaahitah.
Daaridrayam daarunam tyakttvaa Kuber samataam vrajet.
Phadantoyam mahaamantrah saardhapanchadashaaksharah.
(५)इदं त्वृणहरं स्तोत्र तीव्र दारिद्र्य नाशनम्। 
एकवारं पठेन्नित्यं वर्षमेकं समाहितः।।   
दारिद्रयं दारुणं त्यक्त्वा कुबेरसमतां व्रजेत्।
फडन्तोSयं महामन्त्रः सार्ध पञ्च दशाक्षरः।  
Meaning in English - This debt destroying stotra has the power to remove even the extreme poverty. The person who recites or chants this stotra once everyday for a year, will get rid of his poverty and he will become rich like Kuber, the god of wealth.
After reciting the stotra, the following Mantra should also be chanted.The Mantra is as follows -
"Om Ganesh rinam chhindhi varenyam hum phat." "ॐ गणेश ऋणं छिन्धि वरेण्यं हुं नमः फ़ट।"
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