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Monday, January 13, 2014

(12.2.8) Vidur Niti / Vidur Quotes ( Part 1)

Vidur Quotes
Here under are given some of the quotations of Vidur. These quotations have been taken from a great scripture Vidur Niti which has discourses given to Dhritarashtra by the great scholar and Nitigya Vidur - (For Hindi translation click here)
1. An idle house holder and the sage busy in worldly affairs are not admired any where. 
2. A powerful person having the virtue of forgiveness and the poor person that is charitable, these two persons have their place higher than heaven.
3. The person who wants progress and prosperity must abandon sleep, drowsiness, fear, anger, idleness and procrastination ( the habit of  making delay in the work).
4. A person must not give up the following qualities - truth, donation, diligence, desire to do good, forgiveness and patience.
5. Being healthy, not being debtor, not residing in foreign, having a company of good people, expending according to his livelihood and living without fear. These six things are the worldly happiness.
6. The envious, the one who hates others, the discontented, the resentful , the ever suspicious and those who depends on others - these six are always distressed or grieved.
7. The person who does not find faults in others, who is merciful to others, who does not speak arrogantly, who over looks the disputes, is every where admired.
8. The person who does not show arrogance, who avoids boasting, who does not speak harsh words even if he is angry, is always loved by others.
9. The person who is not overjoyed with his own happiness, nor is he delighted in others misery, who does not repent for what he has given as charity, is always called virtuous.
10. The intelligent person who abandons pride, delusion, haughtiness, sinful acts, disloyalty, backbiting, enmity with many persons, the disputes with the mad and the wicked, is always considered as excellent.
Note - for Hindi translation click here.

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