What are the Teachings of Jainism or Jain religion
Jainism is traditionally known as the Jain Dharm, Which emphasizes on practicing non violence. The word Jainism is derived from the Sanskrit verb 'Jin' which means to conquer. The person who conquers the battle with the passions and bodily pleasure is the real follower of Jainism. Though there had been twenty three 'Tirthankars' before Lord Mahavir, yet this religion became very popular with the name of its twenty fourth Tirthankar ' Lord Mahavir'. some of the important teachings of Jain religion are as follows -
1. Jainism encourages spiritual development through cultivation of personal wisdom and through reliance on self control.
2. Jainism lays great stress upon non-violence. It teaches that there is life in all small and big creatures and plants. Not even the minutest creature is to be harmed. The highest form of Ahinsa is practiced by the Jain Munis.
3. Non-Violence cannot be followed without the practice of truth. A man who tells a lie, hurts others. Only a true follower of truth can live by non-violence. So non-violence and truth go hand in hand.
4. Jain scriptures teach that the greatest duty of man is to love all creatures.One who hates his fellow beings and other living beings can never be a follower of Jainism. One who loves one's fellow beings and is ready to sacrifice one's everything for them can alone follow it.
5. According to Jainism, Everyone should lead a simple life. This teaching is based on high philosophy. One who lives a life of great comfort and luxury does so at the cost of others.
6. Those who earn a large amount of wealth, do so by exploiting others. They deprive others even of their ordinary requirements. A true follower of Jainism must have minimum wants. He must learn to control his desires.
7. Minimization of wants and simple living is the fundamental principle of Jainism.
8. Jainism teaches us to have faith in our own actions. There is no place of fatalism.
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