Mohini Ekadashi Vrat 2017
When is Mohini Ekadashi in 2017 ?-
( For date of falling Mohini Ekadashi CLICK HERE )
Vaisakh Shukla Ekadashi is known as Mohini Ekadashi. The Person who observes fast on Mohini Ekadashi, gets eternal peace.(To know the date of falling Mohini Ekadashi and other Ekadashis,click here)
( For date of falling Mohini Ekadashi CLICK HERE )
Vaisakh Shukla Ekadashi is known as Mohini Ekadashi. The Person who observes fast on Mohini Ekadashi, gets eternal peace.(To know the date of falling Mohini Ekadashi and other Ekadashis,click here)
Mohini Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi - (for detail, click here 10.3.33)
- Single meal is taken on Dashami Tithi.
- On Ekadashi no meal is taken but if health does not allow,one can take some fruits and milk.
- The Vrat is broken on Dwadashi.
Importance of Mohini Ekadashi -
Observing fast on Mohini Ekadashi washes away the Vrati's sins which he has committed knowingly or unknowingly.
It is also believed that the person who observes the fast following all the rules of the Vrat, gets eternal peace. He gets rid of sorrows of every day life.
He can overcome sadness caused by someone or something.
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