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Saturday, May 3, 2014

(4.4.1) Stories from Panchtantra

Pancchtantra kee Kahaniyan

Here under are given the list of the stories from Pannchtantra, a book on Nitishastra -
 The First Tantra
*The  Monkey and the Log
*The Jackal and the Drum
* The Merchant Dantila
* The Jackal and the Sanyasi 
* The Cobraand the Crow
* The Heron and the Crab
The Second Tantra
* The Sadhu and the Mouse
* Mother Shandhili
* The Merchant's son
The Third Tantra
* Enmity between Crows and Owls
* The Hares and the Elephants 
* The Hare and the Partridge
* The Brahmin and three Crooks
* The Brahmin and the Cobra
The Fourth Tantra
* The king of Frogs and the Snake
* The lion and the Donkey
* The Potter called Yudhisthira
* The Lioness and the young Jackal 
* Nanda and Vaaruchi
The Fifth Tantra
* The Brahmin's Wife and the Mongoose 
* Chakradhar
* Four Learned Fools 
* Two Fishes and the Frog
* The Singing Donkey
* The Weaver 
Other Posts you will like to read - (4.4) Panchtantra, a book of Moral Stories

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