What are the names of characters of the epic Mahabharat / Who are the characters of Mahabharat?
There are many characters in the Mahabharat. Some of them have played a major role and some others have played a minor role.Here under is the list of some of the characters of Mahabharat -* Abhimanyu
Abhimanyu was the brave son of Arjun and Subhadra, the sister of Krishna. He fought bravely against the Kaurawaswho ultimately killed him
* Amba
* Ambika
* Arjun
* Bhishma
* Bheem
* Dev Vrat
* Dhritarashtra
* Dronacharya
* Drupad
* Draupadi
* Duryodhan
* Dushasan
* Gandhari
* Jaydrath
* Jarasandh
* Karn
* Kripacharya
* Kunti
* Krishna
* Madri
* Nakul
* Sahdev
* Sanjay
* Sakuni
* Uttara
* Uttaraa
* Virat
* Ved Vyas
* Vidur
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