Chandra Shashti Vrat / Chandan Shashti Vrat /चंद्र षष्ठी / चन्दन षष्ठी
When is Chandra Shashti or Chandan Shashti -Bhadrapad Krishna Shashti is known as Chandra Shashti or Chandan Shashti.
In the year 2016 Chandra Shashti is on Tuesday, 23.08.2016.
Important things about Chandra Shashti -
(1) The Vrat on Chandra Shashti is observed by married women as well as unmarried girls.
(2) Married women observe this Vrat for the longevity of their husbands and the unmarried girls observe this Vrat to get a good husband.
(3) They take a bath in the evening and after bath the keep on standing till the moon rises.
(4) When the moon rises , they offer Arghya to the moon and then they break fast.
(5) For this Vrat of Chandra Shashti, Chandrovyapini Shashti ( the Shashti which prevails at the time of the rising of the moon ) is taken.