Whom to worship and what to chant or jap during Navratra
Navratra is an auspicious period of nine days during which the following things should be done -During Navratra worship godddess Durga and do the Path of Durga Saptshati or chant the Mantras related to Durga.
(or) Read Ramcharit manas or do the path of Sundar kand.
(or) Chant Ram Rakshastotra.
(e) Jap of Mantras according to your choice as Mantra for wealth , Mantra for power, Mantra for removing problems , for getting suitable husband or wife , for getting protection etc.
Kumari Pujan :- On the Ashthami or Navmi Tithi , nine girls ( not above nine years old ) are fed, worshiped and given Dakshina.
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