The Principles and Teachings of Lord Mahaveer - The need of the hour
At present the whole world is facing a lot of problems. Some of them are terrorism, violence, crimes of every kind, environmental problems, racism and the danger of war. Besides these common problems, every individual is undergoing one problem or the other. Almost every person has the problem of tension, finance, uneasiness etc. There is disharmony everywhere. In short everyone is living a life full of worries, tension and discontent.Under such a situation, it is only Lord Mahaveer's philosophy that can help us. His is the philosophy of peace and goodwill, a philosophy of mutual understanding and tolerance, a philosophy of brotherhood. Although his teachings have always been useful and significant yet they are felt so much significant in our own time. It is the time when we must follow the teachings of Lord Mahavir.
Lord Mahaveer spread the message peace and non-violence (which is the most most significant for the present age.) To live the righteous life one must follow the principles and teachings of Lord Mahaveer. He taught that Samyak Darshan (right faith), Samyak Gyan ( right knowledge), and Samyak Caritra (right conduct) are the things that lead one to the right path to attain liberation. For the right conduct the people observe the following five vows -
Ahinsa - (nonviolence) - not to cause harm to any other living being.
Satya - (Truthfulness) - to speak the truth.
Asteya - (Non stealing) - not to commit theft.
Brahmcharya - (Celibacy) - not to indulge in sensual pleasures.
Aparigraha - (Non possession) - to set a limit to the greed for worldly possessions
In short it can be said that if the principles and the teachings of Lord Mahavir are understood in their right perspective and followed, can be the solution to the present problems and can bring contentment and inner happiness in one's life.
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