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Friday, April 17, 2015

(6.2.26) Tara Koot ( Kundali Milan )

Tara Koot is also one of the eight factors which are considered for Kundali Milan.
Points assigned - Three points are assigned to Tara Koot.
The base of the Tara Koot - Janma Nakshatra or birth canstellation of the both the boy and the girl are the base for the calculation of Tara Koot.
Tara Koot calculation - 
There are twenty seven Nakshtras. Each Nakshtra has its own Lord. According to their Lords these 27 Nakshtra are divided into three groups. In each group there are nine Nakshtras and every group of Nakshtra has its ownname.
These names are 1. Janm ( birth ) 2. Sampat ( Prosperity ) 3. Vipat ( Danger ) 4. Kshem ( Happiness ) 5. Pratyari ( Enmity ) 6. Sadhak ( Favourable ) 7. Vadh ( Torture ) 8. Maitra ( Friendship ) 9. Atimaitra ( Intimate Friendship ).
The Tras are counted from the birth star of the boy to the bitrh start of the girl and is divided by 9. If the remainder is 3 ( Which represents Vipat ) or 5 ( which represents Pratyari or 7 (which represents Vadh), it is inauspicious. If the remainder is 1 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 , it is auspicious.
The same process of counting is repeated but this time the counting starts from the birth star of the girl.
The Vipat, the Pratyari and the Vadh are considered inauspicious and the remaining are considered auspicious.
The  result or effect of Tara Koot or Dosh - 
If the Nakshtra group of both the boy and the girl are auspicious, three points are awarded.
If there exists Tara Dosh, it affects the mutual understanding of the two individuals.
Parihar or exception to Tara Dosh - 
Tara Dosh removes if the lords of the birth signs of both the boy and the girl are one and the same or there is mutual friendship between them and if the lords of the Navansh of both the boy and the girl is one and the same or there is mutual friendship between them.

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