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Monday, November 30, 2015

(6.6.2) Gaj Kesari Yog in astrology

What is Gaj Kesari Yog / How is Gaj Kesari Yog formed 

How is Gaj Kesari Yog formed 
Gaj Kesari Yog is considered very auspicious in the birth chart of the native.
Gajkesari is formed when Jupiter and Moon are placed together or they are in the seventh house from each other or they are in the fourth house from each other or they are in the tenth house from each other.
Result or effect of Gaj Kesari Yog -
If Gaj Kesari Yog is present in the birth chart of the person, he/she is intelligent, wealthy, successful in his career, gets fame and earns high states in the society. he is able to overcome or remove hurdles, difficulties or obstacles easily.
Note - The native gets better results if the position of Moon and Jupiter is good in the birth chart.
Gaj Kesari Yog gives better result when this Yog is formed in Kendra or Trikon.
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