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Thursday, October 20, 2016

(6.6.12) Astrological Yog for love marriage /Yog for love marriage in Birth chart

Love marriage / Yog of Love Marriage / Love marriage and astrology / Astrological Yog for love marriage / Yog for love marriage in Janm Kundali / Love marriage and birth chart

Which houses in the birth chart play an important role for love marriage -
The following houses of the birth chart or Janm Kundali of a native play an important role and are responsible for the mutual attraction and successful love marriage -
Lagna (ascendant), fifth house and the seventh house.
Lagna ( the ascendant) or the first house -
The lagna indicates the nature and the temperament of the individual. If Venus, Moon, the lord of the seventh house are in the ascendant (in the first house), there is the possibility of love marriage. But these planets  must not be debilitated and combust.   
Pancham Bhav or the fifth house -
The fifth house is the Naisarig Bhav or natural house of love. If Moon, Mars, Venus are in the fifth house or they aspect the fifth house, it increases the possibility of love marriage.
Saptam Bhav or the seventh house -
For the matter related to the life partner, the seventh house is considered. If the lord of ascendant, Venus,  the lord of the fifth house are in the seventh house, there is the strong possibility of love marriage.
Love marriage and the planets -
The planets Venus, Jupiter and Moon play an important role in the marriage related matter.
Venus - The planet Venus is the indicator of  love and beauty in the male's horoscope. It also represents love and wife. If Venus is strong the horoscope of the male, he leads a happy married life. If Venus is related with the ascendant or the seventh house or the fifth house, it shows love relationship.  
Moon - Moon is the Karak of mind. The placement of Moon in the in the ascendant or in the fifth house or in the seventh house, increases the strong desire of love for the life partner.
Jupiter - Jupiter is the Karak of husband in the horoscope of a woman. If Jupiter is in the strong position, it indicates successful married life. 
The other Yog in Janm Kundali for love marriage -
The following are also the Yog for love marriage in the birth chart -
> The fifth hose in the birth chart indicates love and romance whereas the seventh house is related to marriage. Venus is the Karak of the seventh house. So when the lord of the seventh house and the lord of the fifth house and Venus have good relationship , love marriage is possible.
> Mutual relationship between the between the lord of the ascendant and the lord of seventh house.
> The lord of the seventh house and the Moon aspect each other.
> The placement of the lord of the seventh house in the seventh house.
> The lord of the seventh house and Venus have mutual relationship. 
> The mutual relationship between the fifth house and the seventh house. 
> The lord of the seventh house is in the fifth house and the lord of the fifth house is in the seventh house.
> The lord of the fifth house and the lord of the seventh house are together in the Kendra or Trikon houses.
> The mutual relationship between the fifth house and the ninth house. 
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(6.6.12) Yog for love marriage 

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