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Saturday, March 16, 2013

12-1-2 The Best Season of the Year

 The Best Season of the Year
Once there lived a Seth(a very rich merchant )named Govind Narayan in a town in Rajasthan. He had a young son who had attained the marriageable age.The Seth began a search for a virtuous bride for his son.Whenever he got a proposal for his son's marriage from someone, he asked one and the same question to the daughter of the person who made the proposal - "Which is the best season of the year?"  Every girl gave a different answer with a different reason. But no answer could satisfy the merchant.
One day another merchant, Hariprakash was going somewhere with the members of his family.When he reached the town where Seth Govind Naryan lived, the night fell. So he decided to spend the night there.Knowing about the arrival of some rich merchant, Seth Govind Naryan went to him and requested him to spend the night at his Haveli. Hariprakash had a daughter.During their conversation, Hariprakash made a persopal of his daughter's marriage with Govind Naryan's son.As usual Govind naryan  asked the same question to the merchant's daughter - "Which is the best season of the year ? "
The girl answered - "If the environment of the family is peaceful,the younger members of the family have respect for their elders and the elder members have affection for the younger ones and all the members of the family are cooperative,for that family every season is the best season."
Seth Govind Naryan was impressed and satisfied with the girl's answer and accepted the proposal of her marriage with his son.

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